Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

A special dish, eaten in your family on a special day

My family is very friendly and we love to cook together for different holidays, or just like that. Our favorite family recipe is pate, which we have been preparing for years. Perhaps this recipe is not so unusual, but we like it. After we learned to cook it ourselves, we no longer buy it in stores. Similarly, if you make it yourself it turns out much cheaper and tastier.

For the preparation we need:

- chicken liver 500-600 grams

- carrot

- bulb


Cut the liver into small pieces, fry it with carrots and onions until ready. Solim, pepper to taste and grind with a blender and add two packs of butter, mix and put in the refrigerator. When the pate stiffens, it can be consumed.

We also have a homemade bread recipe with which you can eat this pâté.

It is very simple. For cooking you will need:

- 3 glasses of flour

- 230 ml of water

- 1/2 teaspoon. salt

- 2 teaspoon dried yeast

- 2 tablespoons. Sahara

- 2 tablespoons. vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Pour the flour into a bowl, add salt, sugar, dry yeast and mix a little.

Then add the vegetable oil, water and knead the dough. Cover the bowl with a towel and let the dough stand for 30 minutes in a warm place.

After that, crush it and form a loaf. Put the dough into the mold, sprinkling it with a little flour. On top of the breads you can grease the yolks and make incisions.

Bake bread for 40 minutes, at a temperature of 180C.

My parents always kept pigs and goats, and my mother cooked deliciously. We never threw anything out, always processed it and let it "go". There are many labors, but when you open the jar ... they are worth it. Please note that the cellar-cellars are different for everyone. We had a very good one, Dad - Vasily Ivanovich made it deep, brick, with an outlet, there even in the summer it was cool. Potatoes, carrots, beets have never germinated. Banks stood on wooden shelves, and at the bottom of the loom (poured) "gifts of autumn", but each in its "separation". They were separated from each other by boards. As the pouring, the boards increased. Cabbage was pulled from the ground with roots, shaken from the ground, dried in a shed a bit and stored in the basement, suspended by the root to the hooks built into the ceiling of the basement. A part of the cabbage was simply put on the shelves, on the banks (bedding the newspaper).


Thin pork intestine cut into pieces to 50-70 cm, rinse, turn, scrape and stuff with minced meat:

1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder (a large grill) or finely chop the garlic, cut the fat very finely, salt, black ground pepper. Bow - do not put it!

2. Collect the blood, rinse the buckwheat and pour cold water for an hour (let it swell), let the onion through a meat grinder, salt, black pepper, cut the lard with small intestines (much fat is needed). Stomach to unscrew (the outer part will be inside), stuff with mince, sew up the stomach with a thick thread, first cook in a pan for 1.5-2 hours (depends on the size of the stuffed stomach), and then fry completely in the oven.

This sausage was boiled in salted water, and then roasted in the oven.


Cook two pork and one beef leg. Onion (wash a large head and put it in the husk to meat), carrots, bell pepper, salt. Boil the jelly, disassemble the meat (each mistress does in her own way: who cuts with a knife, who passes through a meat grinder, whoever likes it). Try and add salt to taste. Then put the meat in a clean pan, pour the filtered broth and boil for 10-15 minutes. Spread hot meat with broth in sterile jars and roll up. Do not overturn the banks or wrap them around! Above, a layer of fat is formed. Store in a cool cellar or refrigerator. We rolled at 1.5; 2 and 3-liter cans. When necessary, we take out the jar, open the lid and cover it with the jar. We place the jar on a stand (cloth) in a pan with cold water and on a slow fire. As the jelly melts, we pour it into a pan, let's pounce five and pour it into molds. At the bottom of the forms we put pressed garlic and pour cold. Let it freeze. Thus, in our basement banks with a chill stood for 3 years. Many thanked mother for this recipe for the storage of the holland.

Meat in cans

Cut the meat into slices of 150-200g, you can with small bones. For 1 liter of water 100g. salt, bell pepper. In a boiling brine put pieces of meat and cook after

boiling for 15 minutes. Spread hot meat with broth in sterile jars and roll up. Do not overturn the banks, but wrap them around! Above, a layer of fat is formed.

Store in a cool cellar or refrigerator. We rolled at 1.5; 2 and 3-liter cans. When necessary, we take out the jar, open the lid and cover it with the jar. We place the jar on a stand (cloth) in a pan with cold water and on a slow fire. As soon as it melts, we take the meat out of the jar. You can fry it, stew (in this case, put the meat in the last place). From the broth cook first. Such banks in our cellar stood for 5 years.

So they made pork, goat meat and young beef.


Salo cut a little with meat. In an aluminum pan put the fat in small portions, twisted in a meat grinder (without a skin), in small portions, stirring constantly, it should gurgle, boil and melt. So cook hours 1, 5. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper pot. Hot pour into sterile jars.

Do not overturn the banks or wrap them around! Above, a layer of fat is formed. Store in a cool cellar or refrigerator. We rolled at 1.5; 2 and 3-liter cans.

Such fats are good for frying (plus onions and carrots). Do not overcook, but simply add to the soup or potatoes, pasta. We, the children, always smeared our mums fat on rye bread and ate with pleasure. Stand in the cellar for 3-4 years.

By the way, bacon and skin can be passed through a meat grinder. Delicious!


Minced meat, raw rice, egg, salt, black pepper, carrot and onion (skip through a meat grinder). You can add finely chopped tomatoes. Mix everything. Put in a salted boiling water with a spoon, cook without stirring until done (even better put in the oven). In the water you can add sour cream, tomato paste, mayonnaise (to taste).


Unfortunately, this experiment was conducted by us in a sad situation. May 18, 2000, the pope died. There was a wake and there was a lot of food left. Warm outside. We left the rest of the food boiled and rolled into hot jars. Banks were sent to the cellar. There they stood until the fortieth day; opened, boiled, nothing was lost.

We had our beans, bush. In order to save space in the garden, she was planted together with potatoes, in one hole. Before the potato mace, the beans were pulled from the holes, folded on the bedspreads and in the attic of the barn. In the autumn, when there was free time, they took out the beans and peeled it (as long as half is already falling out of the leaves, the remaining leaves were torn from the branches and folded into the trough or boil.) They put on clean boots and stamped the doors. The mother, when she soup or soup cooked, was obliged to carry a handful of beans along with the meat, as granddaughters said: "Grandma, do you have a soup with seeds?"

You can cook a lot of delicious and hearty dishes from beans. She is especially good at fasting.

Also we have several recipes for your favorite drinks

 Lemonade with mint is one of the few drinks that really quenches thirst. A light sour lemon juice combined with fresh mint - just a perfect combination! Also in the composition of this drink includes sugar syrup, with which you can adjust its acidity, adding respectively less or more sugar. But, it would seem, why prepare such a drink, if you can easily buy it in the nearest shop.

Of course, it's much easier to buy, but will the store product benefit ... It's unlikely! That is why it is better to prepare lemonade with mint at home, because only so you can be sure of the naturalness of all its components.

The recipe for making homemade lemonade is very simple, and the process of making a drink does not take you more than an hour and a half. And, of course, the taste of this drink can be adjusted depending on your preferences. For example, it can be made more acidic or sweeter. Or he can add more freshness by simply increasing the amount of mint in the recipe.

So, we store up water, lemons, mint and go to the kitchen to cook delicious natural home-made lemonade.


 - sugar

- water

- mint

- lemon


1. In a saucepan, pour a half cup of clean filtered water. After it send one and a half glasses of sugar. The sweet component must be completely dissolved in water. To do this, put the saucepan on the stove and heat it until the grains of sugar dissolve. Long boiling is not necessary. The syrup should remain liquid.

2. We clean under water leaves of mint from dust and other contaminants. Then they will need to be kneaded in a mortar or well pomjat hands. This will help to release from the leaves, contained in them essential oils. So, after the accomplishment of all the above procedures, we send the mint to the still hot sugar syrup. There we send zest, rubbed from our six lemons. The syrup with additives is covered with a lid and leave to be infused for an hour.

3. In the meantime, we will continue to prepare homemade lemonade. At this stage, you should cut all the lemons in half, and then you need to squeeze them out with a mechanical juicer for citrus. If there is another device suitable for this purpose, then you can quite use it.

4. The present syrup is filtered through a large sieve.

5. Mix the lemon juice with the actual syrup. As a result, we get a concentrate of our drink, which in the end will need to be diluted with water.

6. Pour the lemonade concentrate into glasses and dilute it with water. In this case, one to two. We add ice cubes to the drink and decorate it with a sprig of mint. Homemade lemonade from lemons with mint added is ready!

The next drink is ginger tea. To make tea with ginger, you need to take a thermos, fill it with boiled water and add ginger to the water. Before this, the ginger root needs to be cleaned, as well as thin-finely chopped.

To make ginger tea for weight loss, the root of ginger should be cut into thin slices, put into a saucepan and pour cold water. Put the container on the fire and bring it to a boil, then boil over a small fire for 15-20 minutes. You can drink ginger tea with honey, but the main thing to remember is that honey is added to tea only after cooling - in boiling water it loses all its properties, you can also diversify the drink by making ginger tea with cinnamon.

For those who wish to lose weight, tea with ginger and garlic is recommended. This tea with ginger for weight loss is done according to the following recipe - take the ginger root and garlic, the ratio is 1 to 1. All elements are cut and put in a thermos, poured with boiled water. Ginger in tea, therefore, should be infused for 20 minutes. And only after that you can use it. Ginger tea with garlic will have a special, piquant taste, but the garlic itself will only strengthen the action of the ginger root in accelerating the metabolic processes of the body. Do you doubt the benefits and effects of such ginger tea with garlic? Reviews on the websites of those who have used it will tell you how effective this drink is.

You can also use rosehips with ginger tea. How useful is this drink? He will be able to help with many diseases on the female line.

You can make green tea with ginger. Take a little tea brewing, a bit of ginger root and brew in the thermos the resulting drink. Such a ginger tea for weight loss, the recipe of which you just learned, will perfectly suit the fasting days. There are some recommendations - experts advise not to leave the house these days, because the body during these periods gets rid of the slag and dirt.

You can make tea from ground ginger, pepper and cloves. Such a drink activates the metabolism, which leads to rapid weight loss.

There is a recipe for black tea with ginger - you need to grate fresh ginger on a grater, and brew it together with tea leaves in a teapot. Brew this drink for 30 minutes. Useful properties of ginger tea are that it excites, even better, than any beverages containing caffeine. For tea, you can use tea with ginger and cinnamon, however, cinnamon should not be added to the drink if you are negative about this type of spice.

You can make tea with milk and ginger. Take a liter of water, fresh ginger root, cinnamon, cardamom, green tea, cloves, lemon and honey. To know how to make tea with ginger, you need to know how to prepare any teas. Simply brew the root of ginger, insist for 10 minutes, the field of which you filter. Add all the ingredients to the tea leaves, and again bring it to the boil. How to drink ginger tea? It can be drunk both hot and cold, while all its useful properties are not lost.

There is another recipe for tea with ginger and lemon. To make tea with ginger, you need a root of fresh ginger and mint, which you must finely grind with a blender. Tea with ginger and mint helps not only lose weight, but also lead the body into a relaxed state. In the mixture you have to pour boiling water, let the drink infuse for half an hour. This is an excellent tea for weight loss. You can buy ingredients in the nearest supermarket, or, if you prefer, in dry form, in the department of spices. It can also add lemon. Ginger tea with lemon will perfectly help cheer and warm in the cold season.

You can drink ginger tea with milk - the recipe is the same as when making ordinary ginger tea. You just need to add some milk to it after the tea is infused. Such tea is very useful before going to bed - it relaxes and helps to fall asleep. You can drink this tea with ginger and honey, it will only strengthen the relaxing effect and help relieve nervous tension. You can add ginger, orange and honey to tea, this combination will only enhance the flavor and taste of the drink.