Автор Анна Евкова
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The purpose of marketing - to create conditions for the adaptation of production to public demand, market requirements, to develop a system of organizational and technical measures to study the market, the intensification of sales, increase the competitiveness of goods in order to obtain maximum profits.

The main functions of marketing: the study of demand, pricing, advertising and sales promotion, planning of product range, sales and trading operations, activities related to storage, transportation of goods, management of commercial personnel, organization of customer service.

Emerged in the early 20 century in the US, the most the spread of received in 50-60's in ties with exacerbation problems sales and broad use of new, so-called non-price methods competitive struggle (advertisements, competition quality, differentiation product and others. The vast majority of the largest us corporations adhere to marketing.

Thus, marketing is the process of planning and managing the development of products and services, pricing, promotion of goods to customers and sales, so that the variety of goods thus achieved leads to the satisfaction of the needs of both individuals and organizations (the company's profit, necessary for its existence and better meet the needs of consumers in the future).


Classifications of marketing have concrete practical value as the complex of marketing for its various types essentially differs (different channels of commodity distribution, methods of advertizing, the organization of sales, etc.).

In those cases when in the conditions of strong decentralization of intra-firm management and use of internal self-financing separate divisions of firm trade results of the activity in firm, also allocate intra-firm marketing.

Depending on the specific situation in the market in terms of demand, there are eight types of marketing.

  • Stimulating marketing is associated with the availability of goods and services for which there is no demand due to complete indifference or disinterest of consumers. The incentive marketing plan should take into account the reasons for this indifference (for example, the buyer does not know the capabilities of the product) and identify measures to overcome it.
  • Developing marketing is associated with the emerging demand for goods (services). It is used in situations where there is a potential demand (the consumer feels the need to purchase some thing that, however, does not yet exist in the form of a particular product). Management of this type of marketing is aimed at turning potential demand into real.
  • Remarketing. For all types of goods in a certain period of their life cycle, demand decreases. The purpose of remarketing is to revive demand through new marketing opportunities, such as extending the life cycle of a product or service by giving it new market properties.
  • Synchromarketing is used in conditions of fluctuating demand (for example, seasonal goods, transport during the working day) to stabilize sales and minimize fluctuations in demand.
  • Supportive marketing is used when the level and structure of demand for goods (services) fully correspond to the level and structure of supply. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a well-thought-out price policy (for example, to prevent prices from being higher than prices offered by competitors), to purposefully carry out advertising work, to stimulate sales activities in the right direction, to control the costs of production and marketing.

When the demand for goods (services) excessively exceeds the supply, demarketing is applied. In order for the consumer not to have a negative idea about the company's ability to meet the needs of consumers, prices are raised, advertising work is curtailed, etc. at The same time, measures are taken to increase the output of products that are in excessive demand (expansion of production areas, sale of licenses for the production of these products to another firm, etc.).

  • Counter-marketing is used to reduce demand, which from the point of view of society, the consumer is regarded as irrational (for example, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products). If demarketing is aimed at reducing the demand for good-quality goods, then counter-marketing is aimed at reducing or even stopping the release of unwanted, harmful goods.
  • Marketing of an individual (personal marketing) is an activity undertaken to create, maintain or change the attitude or behavior of the public towards specific individuals.
  • The marketing of ideas is usually interpreted in relation to such social ideas as reducing Smoking, alcohol consumption, stopping drug use, protecting the environment, etc. (in a broad sense, any marketing is the marketing of certain ideas).
  • Place marketing refers to activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change customer relationships or behaviors in relation to individual places.
  • Territorial marketing is marketing in the interests of the territory, its internal subjects, as well as external subjects in whose attention the territory is interested.
  • Mass marketing is a type of marketing that is characterized by mass production and marketing of a single product intended for all customers at once. For example, at one time the company “Coca-Cola " produced one type of drink, selling it in all markets. This approach allows you to sell products at the lowest prices.
  • Product-differentiated marketing is a type of marketing that is characterized by the production and marketing of several products with different properties, intended for all customers, but designed for their different tastes.

For example, Coca-Cola currently produces several types of soft drinks in different packaging. These drinks are intended for mass consumers with different tastes rather than for different market segments.

  • Target marketing is a type of marketing that is characterized by the fact that the production and marketing of products designed specifically for specific purposes is carried out.
  • Enlightened marketing is based on the philosophy that the activities of the organization should be aimed at the effective functioning of the marketing system for a long period of time based on the following five principles: consumer orientation; the use of innovative marketing, according to which the organization should continuously improve the products and methods of marketing; the use of value marketing (marketing activities should); awareness of the social mission of the organization (the staff of the organization feels more satisfaction from work when the organization in its activities comes from its social role, and not from narrowly defined production tasks); following the concept of social and ethical marketing. Depending on whether the marketing activity is focused on establishing long-term or one-time contacts with partners, there are relationship marketing and transaction marketing.
  • Relationship marketing is a type of marketing based on building long-term mutually beneficial relationships with key partners: consumers, suppliers, wholesalers and retailers in order to establish long-term mutually beneficial relationships. Unlike deal marketing, the goal of relationship marketing is to maximize the end results of its activities over the entire period of contact with key customers.
  • Transaction marketing is a type of marketing that is an integral part of relationship marketing. Transaction marketing is aimed at obtaining benefits from only one transaction concluded at the moment, and is not focused on establishing long-term mutually beneficial relationships with partners.

CHAPTER 2. Non-standard types of marketing

All variety of types of marketing characterizes not essentially new types of marketing, but rather spheres, directions, levels, opportunities, features of application of this concept. Of course, the abundance of different types of marketing was also influenced by the desire of some authors to " invent” something of their own, at least at the level of definitions. There is also:

  • Global marketing - further development and deepening of international marketing.
  • Differentiated marketing is a type of marketing in which an organization seeks to develop several market segments with specially designed products and specific marketing policies.
  • Integrated marketing is a type of marketing based on the unity of external and internal marketing.
  • Interactive marketing is a type of marketing carried out by a service organization that has realized that the quality of the service provided depends largely on the quality of the relationship between the seller of the service and the client.
  • Concentrated marketing is a type of marketing used when an organization has a large market share in one or more small market segments as opposed to focusing on a small share of a large market.
  • Multichannel marketing is a type of marketing in which an organization creates two or more distribution channels to serve one or more market segments.
  • Marketing undifferentiated (undifferentiated marketing) - a type of marketing in which the organization, although conducted market segmentation, ignores the specifics of individual market segments and enters the entire market or its largest segments with a single product.
  • On-line marketing is a type of marketing based on the use of computer networks (channels): commercial online channels and the Internet.
  • Operational marketing is a type of marketing, which is based on an active process with a short-term planning horizon, aimed at existing markets.
  • Internet marketing is a type of online marketing.
  • Catalog marketing - direct marketing carried out through catalogs sent to selected customers or provided to them in stores.
  • Test marketing is a type of marketing aimed at testing the product and marketing plan in real market conditions.
  • Direct marketing is a type of marketing that is an interactive marketing system that uses one or more means of communication in order to obtain a measurable direct response to a purchase offer.
  • Integrated direct marketing (integrated direct marketing) - a type of direct marketing, implemented through various marketing tools in several stages in order to improve the response of consumers to the offer of goods and increase profits.
  • Direct-mail marketing - direct marketing carried out by mailing mailings
  • Network marketing (multilevel marketing) - a form of conducting out-of-store retail trade, a special type of personal sale. In this case, sales agents (distributors) of the manufacturer establish, using primarily personal connections, contacts with potential buyers. Sales are usually made at the buyer's home. Having sold him a certain product, the sales agent asks the buyer on the basis of payment "percentage of sales" to find new buyers, those in turn are asked on the same terms to find the next buyers, etc.
  • Social marketing is a type of marketing that consists in the development, implementation and control of social programs aimed at increasing the level of perception of certain segments of the public of certain social ideas, movements or practical actions.
  • Strategic marketing ( strategic marketing) - according to J. Lamben type of marketing, which, unlike operational marketing, primarily in the analysis of the needs of individuals and organizations. The role of strategic marketing is to trace the evolution of a given market and identify different existing or potential markets or their segments based on the analysis of needs that need to be met.
  • Television marketing is a type of direct marketing carried out through television by showing direct response advertising or using special television commercial channels.

2.1 Guerrilla marketing

The term "guerrilla marketing" (партизанский маркетинг) was coined in 1983 by American marketer Jay Conrad Levinson (Creator of the image of "Marlboro cowboy"). Initially, PM was conceived as a survival course for small firms forced to compete with large companies. That is why Levinson used military terminology to describe his ideas. marketing license market

The main feature of guerrilla marketing-cheapness, "you need less money, but more brains." The most common types are considered shocking marketing, life placement and viral marketing, when information about the product is distributed by consumers themselves or decoy ducks.

The main purpose of these techniques is to create other than usual motives for making a purchase. This is one of the main advantages of guerrilla marketing. Unlike direct advertising, there is nothing openly imposed on the buyer and therefore does not cause him resistance, therefore, allows you to act more effectively. Partisans don't use rational arguments. They force the consumer to experience strong emotions, and under their influence spontaneously make a purchase.

2.2. Viral marketing

Viral promotion or viral marketing - is one of the advertising technologies that involves representatives of the target audience as distributors of commercial information about a service or product. This approach uses the effect of "word of mouth", and the message itself is aimed at creating resonance, scandal, provocation in society. The main criterion of viral advertising, marketing: the message should "catch" the audience. Accordingly, people who saw such a banner on the street or on the Internet, react to the original advertising, hurry to capture it and share it with friends in social networks or tell at a meeting.

Marketers know that a satisfied and loyal customer is ready to share information about a product or company with 3-4 people-acquaintances, colleagues, relatives. However, negative emotions from contact with the brand or ordering low-quality services, he is ready to share with 8-10 people. These features of the consumer psyche uses viral marketing on the Internet and offline space.

The main goal of marketers is to adjust the focus of impact on people with high social significance. It can be well-known bloggers, media personalities, opinion leaders and others. Under them, a viral message is formed. The success of the campaign depends on how much they are imbued with information.

Depending on the goals viral marketing can be:

  • Informing;
  • Entertaining;
  • Selling;
  • Scandalous and provocative;
  • Teaching;
  • Reminiscent.

In any of these types, you should "cleverly" show a product or service, so that the target audience does not take the message for advertising. However, viral marketing is a tool for business development, so the symbolism of the brand, the company must be used to remind yourself.

Methods of viral promotion:

  • Pass along - translated as the transfer or dissemination of information. Analogue "word of mouth" only for the online environment. People independently exchange advertising messages. Popular format-videos. It can be music videos, trailers of a new movie, videos with humor and more. If such materials "sew" unobtrusive advertising, the effect will exceed expectations. Text and graphic advertising formats are also used. For example, a scandalous article exposing media personalities or provocative graphics. In any case, users should want to share information, then the virus will reach its goal.
  • Incentivised viral - motivation and reward for the performed action. The method involves not just spontaneous product promotion, but long-term work to promote a product or service in the target environment. This includes all kinds of promotions, bonuses, draws like: "bring a friend and get a 15% discount", "repost messages and take part in the prize draw".
  • Undercover - the method uses people's curiosity to everything hidden. Marketers create content before the start of the project and massively escalate intrigue around it or create artificial restrictions. For example, send personal invitations for registration, limit the number of participants at first, and more.
  • Buzz is everyone's favorite rumors, flash mobs, large-scale actions. The target audience is attracted in absolutely any way. For example, people are hired who buy and praise the company's products. This method, if used incorrectly, can greatly harm the brand or media person. For example, the recent scandal on the show " the Voice. Children»


Today, there are different interpretations of marketing. The reason for the great diversity in the definition of marketing - in the specifics and scope of the problems solved in the process of production, sales, maintenance, etc. in the term “marketing” experts put a double meaning: it is one of the functions of management, and the whole concept of management (business philosophy)in market relations. As a management function, marketing is no more or less important than any other activity related to Finance, production, research and development, logistics, etc., i.e. all companies perform the function of marketing, even if it consists only in choosing an intermediary to sell their products. But this does not mean that they are guided by the philosophy of marketing.

As a business philosophy, marketing requires a company to view consumption as a democratic process in which consumers have the right to "vote" for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company, which aims to study the nature of the needs and meet them as fully as possible. Ensuring maximum output while reducing production costs by excluding non-standard products from the production program, but the consumer needs contradicts marketing as a business philosophy.

After analyzing all the above information, we can conclude that marketing is indispensable for the successful conduct of any business. It is a discipline in which everyone has the opportunity to realize themselves creatively. Accordingly, this area can develop until human ideas run out, that is, indefinitely.

List of references

  1. Ambler, T. Practical marketing / T. Ambler. - SPb.: Peter, 2012. - 213 p.
  2. Bagiev, G. L. Marketing: a Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. / G. L. Bagiev, V. M. Tarasevich, H. Ann. - SPb.: Peter, 2009. - 736c.
  3. Belyaev, V. I. Marketing: fundamentals of theory and practice: studies. / V. I. Belyaev. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2013. - 456 PP.
  4. Bendina, N. V. Marketing (lecture notes). / N. V. Bendina. - Moscow: "Prior-Izdat", 2011. - 215 p.
  5. Golubkov, E. p. Fundamentals of marketing / E. p. Golubkov. - Moscow: Fin-Press, 2010. - 688 p.
  6. Egorova, M. M. Marketing: lecture notes/ M. M. Egorova. - Moscow: Infra-M, 2009. - 60 s.
  7. Kotler, F. Marketing in the third Millennium: How to create, win and keep the market / F. Kotler-M.: AST Publishing house, 2014.-230 PP.
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  9. Marketing: General course: studies. Handbook / edited by N. Y. Kalyuzhnova, A. Ya. - 2nd ed., ISPR. - Moscow: Omega-L, 2010. - 476 p.
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