Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Control as administrative process (What is the Administrative Process?)


What is the Administrative Process?

PODC’s administrative functions originate  from Peter Drucker’s neoclassical theory. For neoclassical theory, the four basic functions of the administrator are  PODCs: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling → administrative routine  .

The four basic functions constitute the  administrative process  , which goes beyond the administrative cycle, since it is  dynamic, interactive and cyclical .

The 4 elements can be understood from a  procedural approach  , in which the elements are considered together. And they can also start from a  functional approach  , in which each of the 4 elements is a function of the administrator, which is part of their  administrative routine.

Directing is to set goals – Results Display – and operating scope:  planeando, organizando,  dirigindo and  controlando people and resources. PODCs are administrative functions: the parts of  the administrative process .

Introduction in administrative processing

An administrative process is a set of successive activities of documents (incoming, outgoing and also internal origin) processing and tasks and generating a final result. This is a process of data processing, processing in accordance with a certain predefined technological sequence to aggregate and / or make a management decision to achieve a defined management quality. It is also considered that an inform decision guarantees an efficient administrative processing and management.

An administrative process is a sequence of stages. Three main stages of the administrative process can be differentiated: the initial stage of initializing documents, tasks and data processing, the internal administrative procedure and the finalization of the process. The main elements in the structural decomposition of the administrative process are the "task" and the "document". Data in documents leads to tasks posing and fulfillment, those tasks can lead to other tasks and/or documents origination. Documents can also originate from tasks that do not derive from other documents but from the work of a collective management body.

Introduction to the Study of Control and Evaluation

Those who are skilled in public administration scientists will realize that after planning has been done, and structure provided to facilitate the achievement of the objectives formulated during the planning stage and the leading function performed; the organizational arrangements, and all resources allocated to be used to Implement Aims and Policy (IES), and predetermined objectives have not necessarily been attained. Poor accomplishment of any of the administrative functions increases the necessity of making some appropriate adjustments, either in the means or resources used to attain the policy objectives or in the objectives themselves. (S. B. M. Marume: 1988). The processes which enable the monitoring of the activities and the assessing of the results are called control and evaluation respectively. According to Professor S. P. Robbins (1980: 376), the concepts control and evaluation are defined as the final links in the functional chain of public administration. It is necessary to check activities in the public administration process, and one of the interrelated processes is the process of control which is to check activities to ensure that they are progressing as planned, and, where there are significant deviations, in undertaking these activities, to take the necessary and appropriate corrective action (Marume 1988 and Professor J. J. N. Cloete, 1985).

Literature internet list

  1. https://www.ijsr.net/ Режим достyпа:


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/ Режим достyпа:


  1. https://en.tueconomia.net/ Режим достyпа:
