Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Written business English

Business communication is one of the most important ways of communication through which communication between members of society is carried out.

Business communication is a process of interaction between business partners aimed at organizing and optimizing a particular type of substantive activity. Written business communication is a means of creating a professional image and an effective tool for organizing and maintaining business contacts [1, с. 211].

The purpose of written business communication is to set certain goals and specific tasks. Communication as interaction implies that people make contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities, cooperation. The subject of communication in written business communication is joint activity, and the communication partner always acts as a person significant to another [2, с. 69].

Classification of written business communication. The main text product of business communication is a document - a written business text of legal significance.

In written business communication there are the following types: Letter-message - a common form of official business message.

A reminder letter is a business letter sent in cases where the partner organization does not fulfill its obligations, agreements made or legal norms.

A request letter is a request for the necessary information, goods, services, documents, for the provision of recommendations, for the organization of a meeting, etc.

A letter of offer is a classic example of commercial correspondence. Such a letter is sent to the business partner in order to make him a formal offer for the supply of a particular product.

An invitation letter is obviously the second most common type of private business letter. Functional purpose of the written invitation. Notify the addressee of a solemn or business event.

The confirmation letter serves only to confirm any fact, for example, the receipt by the organization of a letter sent earlier by the addressee. For this reason, this letter is used in business correspondence only as a response.

The letter of thanks is sent to the addressee in order to express gratitude - for the attention shown by the latter in relation to the sender or for the efforts made by the addressee aimed at ensuring personal or business well-being [3, с. 528].

The main functions performed by written communication include: - Fixing oral communication in order to preserve it in time and space.

The ability to successfully conduct written business communication has become an integral part of a person's professional culture. To achieve high performance in almost any type of professional activity, it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules and principles of business communication.

Список использованных источников

  1. Карпенко Я.Е., Петренко Е.С. Проблемы деловой коммуникации в организации. – Томск, 2017. – 211 с
  2. Казакова О.А., Серебренникова А.Н., Филиппова Е.М. Делоавя коммуникация. – Томск, 2019. – 69 с.
  3. Кузнецов И. Н. Деловое общение. – М., 2019. – 528 с