Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Write a letter to apply for the job. Describe your experience, qualities and skills and ask questions

Dear Sirs,

I am seeking a competitive and challenging environment where I can use my ability to communicate with people and take advantage of my knowledge of English and Spanish. As for my education, I graduated Moscow Academy of the Law in 2015, specialist degree in criminal law and nowadays I am 3rd course student of the Synergy University, my next degree is translator from Russian to English and Spanish. I have 3 years experience in enforcement service. Also I have some practice of international connectives with foreign people in Russia and counties of CIS. In 2018 I reached the B1 level of my English and I have had a certificate of Cambridge English school. I have such useful personal qualities like initiative, communicability, assiduity, high level of intellect; can quickly learn new knowledge and skills, analytical mind. About my special skills: language skills are native Russian, English fluent and basic knowledge in Spanish. Also I have middle level of computer literacy, driving license category “B”. I spend my free time in playing with my son and engaged in him education, dressing my dog and learning languages.

If it is possible, I want to you answer for next my questions. How kind of job you may offer me? How much it will be well paid? In what country you can offer me job? Will it be possible to travel on business trips? What are the working conditions in your organization? How many hours per day I need to work? What is the mental atmosphere in team, when I will work?

You may invite me for an interview at any time convenient for you. Thank you for your time.

With respect,

Matrosov Yegor