Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Write a an email to a close friend telling your news

Before you start writing a letter, you need to clearly understand what topic the conversation will be about. Here the goal is clearly set to write to my close friend about news related to my life. It's a bit strange to write a letter to a friend, living in the 21st century, ruled by modern technology.

Here's how the email will be composed

75 Kirov Street
June 17, 2020

Dear Anastasia,

I'm happy to write to you and how long it's been since I've seen you. I want to Express all my feelings and tell you everything that happened to me during your departure in this letter. I've had so many interesting things happen. I don't even know where to start — there were so many interesting things. Summer has only just begun, but many pleasant events have already happened. I wanted to know how you were doing. Are you having a good time? You're in Paris, though, so you're definitely making the most of your time. To begin with, a new Korean cosmetics store has opened in our shopping center, with reasonable prices. I managed to visit the new attraction in the Park named after Gagarin. The new attraction was named Unicorn and put in place of the old one, where the Viking used to be. To be honest, I'm not impressed. My cousin, his wife and their daughter and I go to shish kebabs and walk around the city at night as soon as we have free time, because the city always seems more beautiful at night. Also, on weekends, I continue to play sports by visiting the fitness room, it's always nice to keep my body in good shape. Sometimes I visit places where you and I often spent time. Well, that's all for now, I'm waiting for your reply letter. I miss you and look forward to your arrival.

Goodbye and see you soon!

A friendly letter is a form of expressing affection for a dear person with whom you can't communicate in person. His support and attention are very lacking, so I want to put my thoughts on paper and send them to the recipient.