Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Working about achieving your goal is very hard for me and it consists of many steps

At first, you must to formulate your goal clearly and write down it on a paper. You have to articulate your goal rightly: positive, in present simple tense and from first-person. For achieving goal you need to know precisely what you would like to get in finally.

Second, evaluate resources and write down its. Decide what you have been and what you will need (time, money, help of people). Do you have enough knowledge? Where can you take it?

Third step: create bright distinct image yourself in future and what you would like to get. Answer the questions: How will I know about getting desired result? What will I see, hear, feel, when will I have achieved my goal?

Fourth, your goal must to answer the questions: where? When? Define exact place and time.

Next, check your goal on relevance, if it would not harm others, really it useful.

Sixth step: think about who or what can hinder you in the way to your goal? What hardship can arrive on my way?

Seventh step: define first and begin to work. If the goal is enough great and achieve it immediately is not impossible, break it into smaller parts. Write down the list of simpler steps. The first step is running basic program of doing.

Eighth step: narrow every step and the whole purpose of the timing. It is very useful to determine the time frame: period during you need to get finally result.

And the last step: the implementation of what you were planned. Main task –don’t stop, if you faced with the failure, if something doesn’t get. You must to find the power to go forward, don’t refuse from achieving your goal.

Write down your successes, regularly reread its and you see that they are realizing in your life.