Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

“Who is a hero for you?”

The themes of the fetish, different magic symbols, superheroes are very popular among our daily discussions and thoughts. Sometimes our life is very difficult and that’s why we are drawing an ideal objects in our mind to make it easier and colorfully.

Today I want to speak about superheroes. Exactly I discuss who is a hero for me. My conclusion is appeared after some brainstorm. I have decided that for me a hero is not a magic or unreal man. For me my husband is the real hero. Of course he hasn’t a special costume like as Spider-Man or super power with technology such as Iron Man. He lives an usual life and he doesn’t chase criminals. But my husband has such human qualities and nature which made him the hero for me. This man decides very difficult tasks and he is responsible for it. He can improve any situations, to find a common language with everyone. Of course he is not perfect, but it does not change the matter.

The superhero an ideal, a symbol of our hopes, goals, and objectives just because I consider that my husband can be my hero.