Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for you?

All people have different opinions about who is a hero. However, for each person, the hero is a reflection of his inner world, the personification of hopes. The hero is the one whom each of us would like to become.

For me, a hero is a man whose mind is free. This is a person who is not afraid to think and seek his answers to questions. My hero does not believe in the statements and dogmas that society imposes on him. He knows the world. His mind is unlimited. His thoughts are free. My hero is not afraid to talk, think and live at all. My hero is not afraid to have his own opinion and differ from others. This is the person in whom there lives a hope. He lives a dream, even if it is a utopia. He is not dependent on other people's opinions and judgments. He does not label or judge other people. My hero is neither good nor evil. He's honest. He is angry when he is angry and happy when he is happy. He does not pretend but says what he thinks. Most of all in the world, my hero appreciates the truth and is not afraid to speak it. He knows that the truth can hurt or offend, but he believes that the lie is worse. In the era of the same people, patterned thoughts, and stamped ideas, my hero is not afraid to differ from others. He is free from prejudices and dogmas. He's free.

However, why such a person is a hero to me? I consider freedom of speech to be heroism because I am afraid to speak. For me, the hero is the one who went against the system because not everyone will decide on it. My hero lives in hope because people have lost it for a long time. We live at a time when the noise of air conditioners and fluorescent lamps sounds louder than our thoughts. We live in an era of slavery, and we slave our needs and ways of life. Routine makes us dead before the death. We live in an era when a person has ceased to be a person. He became only a gear. One of many.