Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero for me? It is very interesting question

Who is a hero for me? It is very interesting question. First, I should explain what comes to my mind when I hear this word. Of course, in my head I imagine superheroes from Marvel or from different cartoons. And it is true. We are used to the fact that heroes are only in movies and cartoons. And we love to watch these movies. But let's look at the real life. If I talk about my personal hero, I will always say that this is my mum. My mum is my hero. She gave me everything. She didn't sleep at night when I was little. She was with me when I cried, didn't want to eat, walk and play. She was always kind and affectionate. I don't remember her crying or being tired. Now I see how much care and time children need. And I understand that my mum went through the same thing. And I am very grateful to her for that.

Generelly, people can't have supernatural powers. Devotion to your child, desire to give him the best, even what you don't have. Is not that a superpower? I believe that every mum is hero for her children. It is just that some children understand it immediately, and others understand it when a lot of time passes. What is the superpower of mum? She doesn't ask for help, doesn't complain, the main thing for her is the child's smile. This is the superpower.

So I want to say that you don't need to look for heroes in comics and movies. They are right next to us. They don't travel in time, but they help in different times, they are there when we feel bad, they cook us breakfast, buy notebooks and shoes. Sometimes they swear, but then they regret it very much. We should admire such heroes.