Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Affixes contain prefixes and suffixes. In the education of texts of the current British style, the eternal British affixes are used, so also taken from different styles, we will analyze them separately

Affixes contain prefixes and suffixes. In the education of texts of the current British style, the eternal British affixes are used, so also taken from different styles, we will analyze them separately. In many variants in today's British style, these affixes are used, the same as in the writer's standard, despite the fact that in individual variants they differ from the standard in their own meaning.

During the ancient period, the lexical structure of German dialects was still very small. However, according to the verge it, as well as among the ancient Germans there were all, without exception, the latest is also the newest variety of manufacturing jobs, according to the verge for this, they contacted different Proviant this work around which is located beside the them people in the near Romans, the lexical structure of their style over time, staffed with the latest texts also expressed the provisions that are important to identify the data of the latest versions of work products of this work. The lexical structure of the British style of the ancient stage was completed to support a single system of language methods developed during the formation of the style.

Linguistic research clearly shows that in the English language at the present stage of its development, phrasal verbs occupy the first positions in the English verb system. In addition, if we consider literary works of the early twentieth century, verbs of this type are mainly found in dialogue and colloquial speech. But, since the mid-twentieth century, there has been a tendency to use phrasal verbs in narrative, in descriptive speech, and to describe the feelings of characters. This indicates the relevance of phrasal verbs in modern English vocabulary.

Having considered affixation as a method of word formation, it can be noted that affixation is a method of word formation of new words by joining the base of word-forming affixes. Affixes include suffixes and prefixes. In modern English, suffixes are most often used to form nouns (-er). Pass a literal or figurative value.

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-Бобрикова, О.С. Использование аутентичных видеоматериалов в формировании социолингвистической компетенции студентов // Известия Тульского государственного университета. Гуманитарные науки.