Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Who is a hero?

Who is a hero? What are the qualities of a hero? Are there any heroes left? These questions are actually the basis for this essay. Even though most of them can be answered by you, the reader, I shall try to incorporate fact and personal opinion in order to give a better understanding of the qualities a hero possesses. In my opinion, a hero is a person, who possesses three main qualities: compassion, courage, and compassion, a word with only one definition, but so much meaning. The quality, which makes a hero who he is. It's not just courage and intelligence that define a hero, but also compassion. Compassion for life – a trait that is very important, a trait that stands out the most.
             First, let me give you the meaning of this word: sympathetic feeling. Sympathy and compassion are the same things, and both of these should not just exist in a hero, but also in every one of us.
             A hero possess this quality as well as many others, but it is what makes him human, or should I even say, humane. This quality, even though not as important as the other two, makes up a hero's heart and soul, his inner strength, and that is the most important strength of all.
             Brave, fearless, heroic, bold – all synonyms that describe a hero. All these could just be summarized into one quality: courage. Courageous isn't an adjective that describes only the person who jumps in front of a bullet. Yes, that is an example of courage, but an even more vivid example would be the courage that it takes to stand alone, when you are outnumbered ,or outvoted. That is, indeed, true courage. Only a hero can be brave and courageous enough to stand alone when he is completely outvoted and outnumbered.