Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

In the wide meaning, heroes are often brave and can lead others, they solve problems that society face

In the wide meaning, heroes are often brave and can lead others, they solve problems that society face. And, not least, they often love risk. According to psychology professor Frank Farley, many famous heroic personalities in history are thrill-seekers who are not afraid of endangering themselves to achieve the goal. While many people will never take a serious risk, they value this quality in another person, so they can follow his example.

In the epic poem Odyssey, which was written in the eighth century BC, the Greek warrior Odysseus is lost on the way home, returning from the 10-year Trojan War, and spends another 10 years fighting monsters in order to return home and protect his family from people who tried to plunder his fortune. The brave captain personified virtue, as well as those attributes that are important to Greek society, he is an object to follow.Most people in the modern world are probably no longer afraid of monsters, but, nevertheless, the need for fearless heroes has not disappeared. Today, some of our heroes are soldiers who was brave to fight the enemy, as well as astronauts who go to the space trip and people who to take a huge risks that the majority of people wouldn't take.Such qualities were possessed by the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, who on April 12, 1961 became the first person in world history, who went into outer space and, using his personal example, proved that gravity is surmountable. Another example of heroic life is Serbian Nick Vujcic who had gathered a multimillion audience, despite the fact the he was born with a severe hereditary disease. With his example he is giving the massage and hope for many other people with disabuilities. A striking example of heroizm is the case in 2015 in France, when, during an armed attack, one protects the body of a woman who is threatened with a gun.

At this point, there is a conclution that at all times heroes are those people, who show perseverance, fearlessness and do not surrender to life obstacles, following the path to well-being for themselves and society. The real hero acts from the best intentions for the benefit of society and, like a hero from the poem of Odyssey, they struggle with difficulties to achieve their goals.