Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What specific things can you do to achieve your goal?

Firstly, I have to decide, what my goal will be. After that, I will do some planning for I need to have a plan to achieve my goal step by step.

As example, if I want to learn any language, I can learn it either step by step using a plan or in a chaotic way. I can learn a language in both ways and achieve my goal. I think, that most people would prefer a planned way to learn a language. Personally, I prefer to mix both plan and chaos. This is how I used to learn English until not so long ago.

Actually, I think, the most important thing in any business is to be ready to finish what you have started (that is, to achieve your goal). Because if you are not ready to go all the way, then why would you start?

However, I think that it is also important not to try too hard, not to work too hard, because you can lose your will to achieve your goal.

Moreover, the quotation “you can achieve something only if you work hard” seems not to work. Properly speaking, it may work but not always: it is likely not to work in my case.

I am sure that working slow with assurance that you will reach your goal is better than working hard because the latter may make you give up and quit. To achieve your goal you have to know what you want and be sure that you are ready to reach the finish line.