Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What does it mean to be successful?

Success is very important for each of us. Many people wish to achieve success in a particular case. But in order to achieve it, requires an understanding of what it is.

Psychologists are increasingly inclined to believe that Fortuna is not blind and give his graces prefer those who have a certain set of character traits, especially the ability to adapt to different situations. We can say that the main characteristic of successful people is their ability to be in the right place at the right time. It's getting up with the fate not an accident but a manifestation of personal qualities. You can even try to say that it is in the nature of man helps him to succeed.

A successful person dreams of becoming every. To each its own point of view on the perception of a "success" .I am no exception.

For me success is the complete satisfaction of all needs and desires. Is to become a successful person, to get a good job, to Have a happy family, to raise children, to have loyal friends. To set goals and achieve them. Always be financially secure. To live in abundance. To set goals and achieve them.

I think to become a successful person in the first place need a lot of work on yourself. You need to stop being lazy, do not despair, keep trying and believe in your success. Only then everything will work.

The main thing to be successful for yourself, to enjoy your life. Success is a state of mind. Man decides only to be successful or not.