Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What characteristics do you think natural leaders have?

What characteristics do you think natural leaders have?
Every person who wants to become a leader, in one or another sphere, has thought about what qualities they should have.

Everyone, in my opinion, the leader should be responsible, and if the team, colleagues, or subordinates dropout in a difficult situation, he should help with the solution to this problem. A leader must also be able to lead. Or someone who just knows how to go ahead and motivate others by example. Some people believe that you must be a leader, and if you are not a leader-it is supposedly no one. This is where mistakes start.

It is often assumed that a leader is someone who knows how to suppress others, manipulate others, dragging them against their will into something. That a leader is a loud person, sorry. You often see that the guys go out of their way to be the first in everything, but they don't have enough strength. They try to assert their leadership by force and shouting. Sometimes it works, but not for long. The leader truly becomes the one who is truly respected.

Leadership manifests itself in different ways in different situations. Someone is the leader in a fight where you need to defend your rights with your fists. Someone is a leader in training, in a profession. And someone - the undisputed leader in the family, where everyone listens to him. Sometimes a team leader is a boss and at the same time an informal leader. Probably, it is not necessary to try always and everywhere to break into the leaders. There are, of course, exceptional individuals who manage everything. But, of course, not because they crave leadership. But because they are smart, talented, brave, and sincere.

Leadership is an expression of a person's inner strength and self-confidence. Such a person is not afraid, because he knows that she is right. And such a person takes responsibility for himself and for others. First-for yourself, for the correctness of the chosen path. And then others who follow him. Leadership is about responsibility, about what your actions mean to others and to the world.