Автор Анна Евкова
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What can you say about Hamlet, the main character of “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” (Hamlet not only wants to avenge the death of his father, he wants to change the whole world)

At the heart of the tragedy "Hamlet Prince of Denmark" is an ancient legend. It's about a young Prince pretending to be insane to avenge his father's murder. The legend has a happy ending. But Shakespeare's tragedy is different. Hamlet not only wants to avenge the death of his father, he wants to change the whole world. Hamlet cannot openly fight his enemies. He pretends to be mad. Throughout the tragedy of Hamlet is suffering. His worries are not only revenge for the murdered father, but also deep philosophical problems. Such as the meaning of life.

To be, or not to be: that is the question…

For Hamlet, “To be” is to believe, to think, and to act according to one's faith and convictions. But he is surrounded by evil and betrayal, he cannot cope alone. Hamlet is tormented by what is happening in his life and in his soul. The problems that he solves are out of time. These are eternal problems that are understandable to the modern reader. Hamlet passes the path of spiritual self-knowledge, he grows internally. He begins to see the world as it really is. He had a good family. He had the best of everything. And came the end of the fairy tale. He loses his father, his mother marries, his uncle is a murderer. Hamlet is very hard. He doesn't know what to do. Accept the world as it is, or fight for justice. At the end of the tragedy, he dies. Avenging evil, he dies himself, and the people around him die. You can not call hamlet evil or good hero. Both in him . Shakespeare managed to create a very interesting personality, which is plagued by doubts and their own ambitions. Hamlet has no support. Nobody understands him. In the end, he wins and loses at the same time. In his last words, hamlet calls on humanity to change and take the side of good. And he asks Horatio to tell the story of his family. Even on his deathbed, he did not abandon his efforts to eradicate evil.