Автор Анна Евкова
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What can you say about Hamlet, the main character of «Hamlet, Prince of Denmark»

Hamlet was Prince of Denmark. He had unalloyed life, he studied in the best University, which was a symbol of free thought, "a synonym for spiritual reformation of the sixteenth century." Hamlet was not only familiar with the scientific thought at the time, he also knew literature and art, he wrote poems, and he knew the rules of the stage action. Like a real man at that time, he knew how to fight with a sword. Hamlet - a true humanist, he could be a wise ruler.

As the son of his father, Hamlet must avenge his family's honor, to kill Claudius, who not only poisoned the brother of the king, but he was guilty of the sin of "incest". He breeds only evil around him. Hamlet’s trouble is that he does not want to be the successor of evil - in fact, to eradicate evil; Hamlet will have to apply the same evil. It is difficult to step on this path. Hero is suffering, the spirit of the father calls for revenge, the inner voice of the stop "action of evil."

A few lines of Shakespeare takes an image of how Hamlet was before any difficult issues in his life.

Hamlet thinks not just about to repay the personal injustices or just revenge for murdered father - his soul need to battle with the world's evil.

Hamlet is convinced that the afterlife does not exist and at the same time convinced of the opposite: Ghosts words are true. Hamlet can act and he acts, but his torn conscience and doubt he is ready for revenge and inactive; it cannot decide on one murder, and his behavior involves the death of those people who would not have to be punished.

Such characters are die, physically. However, spiritually they live forever, disturbing the views of people, encourage them to seek the meaning of life. Through such as Hamlet, a man is a man, and being perfect - "homo sapiens" is in constant search for truth, solving the question of questions: "To be or not to be?".