Автор Анна Евкова
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The Adventures of Oliver Twist

The novel "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" was written by the English writer Charles Dickens for two years. In the preface to the work, the author explained what made him start writing such a novel and what he wants to convey to the reader. Dickens was depressed by the idea that society could believe in the carefree life of criminals, and in 1837 work began on a book that did not hide any dark side of the lives of such people.
English realist writer Ch. Dickens in the novel "Oliver Twist" fully reveals the problem of the plight of the mass of people. Through the story of the main character-a child and the people around him-the writer outlined the fate of the English people, destroyed, forced to survive with the help of lies, theft, force. 
The hero of the novel, Oliver, was born in a workhouse, which initially treats him as a class of destitute people. The fate of such weak children as Oliver was sealed, and only a miracle could save them. By a happy coincidence, on the way of life, the boy meets the good-natured old Mr. Brownlow, who was a friend of Oliver's father, and gives him shelter. Without thinking of his own advantage, Mr. Brownlow helps a child who is destined to be hanged in the workhouse, and then becomes his foster father. 
Dickens recognized himself as a preacher writer, so he somewhat idealized his characters. So, Oliver Twist is kind, truthful, virtuous, and no dirt of the surrounding world can tarnish him. And the good people he meets on his way are a kind of reward for the boy's loyalty.
The social novel "The Adventures of Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens is a true reflection of the most acute and burning problems of our time. That is why this work is very popular with readers and since its publication has managed to become popular. The main idea of this novel is that justice will still prevail, and evil
will punish itself. The novel teaches you not to give up and not to deviate from your ideals.
To believe in a better future, teaches never to lose hope. It teaches you to help
the unfortunate, to be sympathetic and kind, to teach mercy and compassion.
I liked this novel, although it was
very difficult to read at times. But the most important thing is that everything ended well and poor Oliver
Twist has found his family, people who love and appreciate him.