Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

What can be used on a flag to symbolize a country?

Every person living on our planet, feels a sense of pride for their country, their people and country, their land and its history. And represent the native land of her characters. What refers to the symbols of modern Russia? What value do they have? Why are they so dear to us? This is what I want to tell. What is this symbol? For some people the symbols of his native country are nesting dolls, samovars, for others – the Moscow Kremlin, and for someone, perhaps a symbol of the huge Russia is, first of all, his "little homeland" - town or village in which he was born and raised. And everyone is right. Look in the dictionary is: "Symbol that serves as a conventional sign of some idea." For any modern state is its characters exist in a Trinity: the anthem, emblem and flag.

Need them as the embodiment of its history and a reflection of the present, as an expression of the patriotism of its citizens and the designation in the international arena. Not without reason in honour of the winner in sporting competitions, the Olympic games raise the flag and anthem of his country. That is why the attitude of the coat of arms, flag and anthem is the attitude to the state itself. The insult of state symbols is akin to insulting the state and its people, its history and culture.

But it is important to not only know how to look the emblem, flag and anthem of his native land, but also to understand their symbolism, And for this you need to have an idea about their history, about how did these state symbols and journey through the ages.

I am very interested in why the Russian coat of arms looks the way it looks? This question made me do a little research. 

What is a crest? The concept of "coat of arms" comes from the German word "heritage or inheritance" and is a mark of distinction, the most important insignia of the state, city, region, as well as individuals, and childbirth. His image is placed on flags, coins, seals, letterheads and other items, to show belonging to a particular state. The arms appeared a long time ago. At first it was a distinguishing mark of knights.

The modern coat of arms of the Russian Federation was adopted in December 2000. Double-headed eagle proudly soars over Russia for more than five centuries. He became the emblem of our country during its liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The coat of arms shows the long path from the first Russian principalities to the multinational independent of the Moscow government and the powerful modern Russia. In the field with a red shield is a Golden double-headed eagle. In paws of an eagle – the scepter and Orb. Scepter is a scepter, symbol of power. It is decorated with carvings and precious stones. Power is the Golden ball with a cross on top. Crown, scepter and Orb were once a sign of Royal authority. Now we have no king. Today they remind us of the past of our country and symbolize the independence of Russia from other countries. On the eagle's breast a red shield with the image of St. George piercing the dragon. The image of the horseman with a spear piercing serpent, we call St. George, and this image recalls one of his most famous exploits. Since time immemorial, revered of St. George, his name was often called children – it is known in two versions: Egor and Yuri. According to legend, once in Palestine there lived a beautiful Princess. But in the surrounding lake got a terrible serpent, which the townspeople had to give the Princess to be eaten. However, a soldier named George who was a Christian, defeated the monster and saved the girl. He pierced the beast with his spear, and a horse trampled the serpent. Tsar – the girl's father and his subjects vootchiyu convinced of the power of the Christian faith and was baptized. Later George was declared a Saint, his veneration has spread in many countries. In Russia, the Saint was considered the patron Saint of soldiers and farmers. Now the image of a rider on a white horse spearing a snake, is the emblem, that is the distinctive emblem of Moscow – capital of Russia. Thus, on the Russian emblem of the Christian warrior. He represents goodness and virtue. It kills spear black snake – a symbol of evil. On the arms, we also see the image of the eagle. Two heads of the eagle symbolize the unity of the country: he looks simultaneously to the West and the East. Eagle wings raised. This means the strength and power to know that Russia is a powerful country.

The way the Russian coat of arms from the first to the last was not easy.
Every Russian Emperor considered it his duty to amend the state symbols.
After the final liquidation of the dependence from the Golden Horde first appears the great seal of Ivan III. The first reliable evidence of the use of the eagle as the state emblem is the seal of scrapie in 1497 his letter on the land ownership of feudal princes. At the same time the image of gilded double-headed eagle on a red field appeared on the walls of the faceted chamber in the Kremlin.
1539 — 1589 Coat Of Arms Of The Russian Kingdom. 
Coat of arms double-headed eagle became under Ivan the terrible, the first Russian Tsar. The coat of arms of the Russian state is completed at the first unicorn, and then — instead — Moscow symbol — a horseman-zeebonet. Also appears Orthodox symbolism, reflecting the role of the official religion. The rider is traditionally perceived as an image of the Emperor. From the time of Ivan the terrible before the rider on Russian coins and seals were interpreted as "the great Prince on a horse, and with spear in hand". This interpretation of the image remained unchanged until the early 18th century, and only in Peter the great's time (approximately from the 1710s) it first became known as "St. George". This was due to the establishment of the Imperial emblem.

During the reign of Peter I, the Secretary of the Austrian Ambassador to Russia I. G. Korb leads "diary of a journey to Muscovy", which describes approximate Peter and the massacre of the Streltsy. The diary is interesting as another view of Russia through the eyes of a foreigner, including contains a detailed drawing of the coat of arms of Russia.After 1699, the year the coat of arms is depicted with elements of Andrew's order, introduced by Peter. Eagle becomes black under the influence of Western arms. "Rider" on the arms is sometimes referred to as "sovereign" (decree 1704), but in fact is depicted as St. George, as recorded in later documents of the 1730-ies.

When Emperor Alexander II, under the leadership of king of arms of Baron Ken was held heraldic reform. The eagle figure has got new features borrowed from Western Europe, for example, the coat of arms with George was moved to the left. The small state emblem was adopted on 8 december 1856. It also added shields with coats of arms of territories in the Russian Empire.
In total, 11 April 1857, were created and adopted a set of emblems, including Big, Medium and Small state emblems, and others — a total of one hundred and ten drawings. The emblem will remain virtually unchanged until the February revolution, will be made only minor changes: for example, when Emperor Alexander III added arms of Turkestan — another province of the Russian Empire.

1918 coat of Arms of the RSFSR 

The coat of arms was first described in the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1918: "the coat of Arms of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic consists of images on a red background in the rays of the sun gold sickle and hammer placed crosswise arms downward, surrounded by a crown of ears of corn, and with the inscription: "the Russian socialist Federative Soviet Republic" and "Proletarians of all countries, unite!"

The coat of arms of 1978 has not undergone significant changes — were only added to the red star. 

The Coat Of Arms Of The Russian Federation

In 1992, Russia continued to use the coat of arms of the sample 1978-1991., but the inscription "RSFSR" on the shield was replaced by "Russian Federation" (in connection with the renaming of the state).

Modern coat of arms was adopted in 1993. He replaced the coat of arms of the Russian Federation (and before that the coat of arms of the Soviet Union) as a state. The modern coat of arms contains the main historical elements of the coat of arms of the Russian Empire in addition to Andreevsky order, however most of the Royal characters are denied a presidential Republic any sense. The coat of arms to depict allowed without a heraldic shield.

The symbols of the state is the history of the country, and its date. They Express the characteristics of the historical path of the country, its differences from other countries. To all the past and current symbols of the state should be treated with respect, honor them as the monuments of the past and the heritage of modernity I am proud of the past, present and future of their country. The state emblem – a symbol of the greatness and power of Russia has inherited from ancestors. What it will become in the future depends only on us.