Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Was the major brave? Why do you think so?

“In Another Country”

Ernest Hemingway was one of the greatest American writers of his age. Hemingway wrote many short stories. “In Another Country” is one of them. Here the author shows the disappointment of young people in the post-war period.

Who is a brave person? That is very difficult. Almost every person has his answer to this question. We learn about brave people from films, newspapers, and magazines. Courage, bravery, boldness are synonymous words. Bravery is one of the positive qualities of a person.

On the one hand, this is a story about a war, or rather, about those for whom it ended. About people who were forced to leave the battlefield due to serious injuries. One of these brave people was major. The major was once a famous swordsman but the war left its mark. He went to the hospital regularly. And most likely he never missed an appointment even if he did not believe in the operation of the apparatus. He did not believe it, but there was hope.

On the other hand, war breaks people and teaches to be brave. It doesn't matter what you were before the war. After the war, you can no longer be the same yourself. The major learned about the death of his wife and could not hold back his tears. In this case, tears are an indicator of a person’s courage. Even though he was at war and most likely saw dozens of deaths. It is always difficult to lose loved ones.

From my point of view, the major was a brave man not only because he was a major. In war, the whole essence of people is revealed. Someone betrays and dies as a coward, while someone suffers torture and dies like a hero. War makes someone hardened, and someone teaches to value what it has.

In conclusion, the story is short but reminds the boxing of heavyweights. Slowly, calmly, descriptively. And then a quick powerful punch in the final, and the reader knocked out.