Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Was Julia happy in marriage? How did her relationships with Michael change in course of time? »

Julia Lambert is the main character in Maugham Somerset's novel Theater. She was a famous British actress who fell in love with him at a young age in the theater. Outwardly he was very handsome, but as an actor he was mediocre.

Julia did everything to marry Michael, and soon she succeeded. It should be noted that Michael's parents did not like her. But thanks to her acting talent, she managed to play the role of the daughter-in-law, which made an impression on the parents and they agreed.

Julia thought that they would be happily married, and their love would only grow stronger. However, nothing in their lives has changed. She felt that he did not love her. And the fact that at some point he took and left for two years under a contract in America, shocked her.

The first year of the relationship was, on the one hand, perfect. They had an ardent and passionate love. However, Michael was mostly more calm, even cold, which made Julia constantly jealous and stage scenes.

Julia loved Michael very much. When the war began, she was ready to go to the front for him, however, he did not allow her. Due to the long separation, Julia realized that she had fallen out of love with Michael. However, it was fine with her, because at last Michael will understand what it is like when you are not loved. And now they will both be on an equal footing.

Based on the above, it is worth saying that Julia was not particularly happy in her marriage. She is very sad about her marriage to Michael. She believes that life has deceived her since love has died. However, she is glad that she has her art left. She finds acting in the theater more real and real than living in a marriage with Michael, where you always must pretend.