Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Was Julia happy in marriage? How did her relationship with Michael change in course of time?» («Theater» which was written by Somerset Maugham)

Family and love are perhaps the most important things in everyone's life. Many musical works, paintings, books have been written about it. Some people choose to be alone. In this perhaps, too, there is many positive. But want, to in life was family and love.

The theme of love, family and relationships that change over time, we can see in the novel «Theater» which was written by Somerset Maugham. It's an interesting question, to understand whether Julia Lambert was happy in marriage?

On the one side, we can say that it was a happy marriage , because Julia , when she was young, loved Michael very much. Perhaps it was love only on her part, Michael did not feel love and passion for her. But he always cared about her. Julia is a good actress, perhaps thinking that this is love, her imagination helped her, also Michael was very beautiful and grew up in a good family. Julia, like any woman, needed love. What she felt for Michael, helped her to live and play on stage. And of course, her husband also helped her in her profession. He understood that he is a bad actor, but he was able to become a good Director and administrator.

But while Julia was waiting for the birth of her child, she felt that she no longer had love for her husband. Julia saw that Michael had aged, and he was not as handsome as he had been when he was young. But instead of love, they had a common cause, the main thing in their lives is the theater.

I think Julia was an actress, more than a woman. And my opinion is that she was a happy wife after all- she had a favorite job, a husband, a son and an interesting life. The husband became the best friend, and it can be called a good result of family life.