Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The work of William Shakespeare "Hamlet

The work of William Shakespeare "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" is undoubtedly the property of world literature. Now the image of Hamlet is perceived by readers as the image of a living person. However, the picture of his image is not so clear, since both positive and negative opinions are formed about it.

The work well describes the scale of the cruel events, but the emphasis is placed on the emotional state and consciousness of the characters in the play. In my opinion, the tragedy of Hamlet tells about the cognition of evil by a person. The life of the main character was serene, full of many wonderful things, such as established interpersonal relationships with other people, a huge number of hobbies. He has predicted a great future and becoming the head of power, but later all this turned into a series of terrible events. The death of his father, the change of power, and the vices of his uncle could not but leave their mark on his entire life.

All the values ​​of the hero collapsed in an instant, as did his dreams of a bright future. These events radically changed his perception of the world around him, after which the main character of the play found himself on the verge of despair. In an instant, his life values ​​also changed, since now he stopped believing in the sincerity of people. A huge number of questions related to human existence arose in his head.

Hamlet, speaking about death, sincerely expressed his thought that his interest in life was lost and all that does not allow him to commit suicide is the only religiosity. Suicide is a grave sin. The hero is led by an interest in life after death. He has a huge number of questions and guesses, but the fear of unknown things always makes a person continue to fight for life.

The main character of the play expressed his deep disappointment in people and himself with the phrase: "Not one of the people pleases me ..." This speaks of a prejudiced attitude towards human vices and imperfections, in whatever form they appear.

The contradictions in Hamlet's thoughts about the great possibilities of the individual and his sufferings, the inexhaustible energy diluting his pessimism is the force that surprises and makes the readers of the work admire.
