Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The slow internet and data outages

The slow internet and data outages, according to the study, cause almost the same level of stress as when watching horror movies. A low connection speed also leads to tension in the nervous system and significantly increases the pulse.

In my opinion, I think that slowing down the Internet would increase stress. Slow internet annoys everyone. Especially when you are watching a video! As it found out, the stress caused by trying to download videos using low-speed mobile Internet is comparable to the stress experienced while watching a horror movie. This has been proved by scientists. When the researchers watched people whose video hung for more than six seconds, it turned out that the level of stress is either increasing or decreasing. As a result, these participants showed non-verbal signs that they no longer want to watch the current material, and began to be distracted by something else. Another study also showed that 47% of users expect a page to load in 2 seconds. If the page loads for more than three seconds, then 40% of the subjects closed it. According to the results, for participants who did not experience interruptions in communication, the consumer loyalty index (NPS) to the provider increased by 4.5 units on a 10-point scale. The subjects with the average duration and number of delays worse than anyone began to relate to the provider: their NPS fell by 4 units. Moreover, at the end of the test, they were inclined to speak more loyally about the competitors of the provider. In addition to the load on the brain, poor internet also affects the user's heart. In the course of other tests, it was recorded that among the participants in the experiment, the pulse increased by an average of 38% at the time of waiting.

In conclusion I want to say that there is no need to do serious research in order to understand how slow connection has a detrimental effect on mood.