Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Most Beautiful Thing in the World

So, what is the most beautiful thing on the planet? Personally, I think there can only be one correct answer. This thing is legendary, it has been filmed, and countless number of songs have been sung. Poets write poems about it, from ancient times to the present day it is one of the most valuable things in our life. And that is what we call love.

Love is multifaceted. It does not know the obstacles and will always find a response to the heart. We all love differently. This can be expressed in completely different ways. A mother who sees her child's first steps, or a father who scolds his son or daughter for coming home late. Experiences, longing for someone, joy for the success of another person, jealousy-all this is a manifestation of love. It can change us, make us better, happier, because it is the most important thing in a person's life, but beyond that, it can hurt us. Pain from the loss of a loved one, lies, treason sometimes cause unbearable suffering in the heart and soul. So always need to think about those whom you love. When was the last time you hugged your mother, did you praise your brother or sister for your school success, or did you tell your loved one how much you care about him? It's time to do what you've always wanted to do, remember those who are important to you, call a movie, or a cafe, discuss the events that have occurred in your lives, or just talk about something. And you will see how nice it will be and you and the one with whom you spend time, because care and attention are very important for everyone.

No matter how much time has passed, no matter how our society has changed, love is always the most important thing in our life. Why is it so? The answer is simple: there will always be a person we love, and so will someone love us, so love will always live and occupy a special place in our hearts.