Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Manager

A Manager is a person who plans the organization, motivation, and control of production in order to achieve goals as quickly as possible. This profession is in demand and valued in the labor market.

The Manager must have certain qualities, manners, and the ability to skillfully manage the workforce, make the most of the creative abilities of each of the employees, thereby ensuring a flexible response to customer requirements. The most important attributes are: leadership, perseverance, communication skills, tact, politeness, skill, courage, and broad-mindedness. There are rules that specialists must adhere to in order to perform their work efficiently. For example, a Manager should develop a habit: everything they encounter should be considered from the point of view of benefits for the business; Fulfill promises on time, and others.

It is also necessary to have your own, but certainly a civilized style of behavior, your own, but certainly a noble image, the very image of a Manager that guarantees not only half the success, but also constant satisfaction from the activity.

Having all these qualities and using them, a person is sure to become a good Manager in their industry!