Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The internationalization of economic life on a global scale is a real and objective process

The internationalization of economic life on a global scale is a real and objective process. Integration processes and the international division of labor are deepening, foreign investment is growing at an accelerated pace, and the world is becoming a global village. The largest role in these processes is played by multinational companies, which practically form the contours of the world economy. Companies make decisions to deploy their productive forces not only in domestic markets, but also abroad, taking into account the benefits of international diversification

International management is a special type of management, the main objectives of which are the formation, development and use of the competitive advantages of the company due to the opportunities for doing business in different countries and the appropriate use of the economic, social, demographic, cultural and other features of these countries and inter-country interaction. In a general sense, we can conclude that international management is the management of various aspects of the international activities of multinational companies. In principle, the structure of international management is similar to the structure of national (or country management), that is, it includes problems covering five main areas of corporate business management: research, analysis and evaluation of the external business environment and the internal environment of the organization; communication and decision-making processes (including models and methods); basic management functions (strategic planning and implementation of strategies; organization building; motivation, control and coordination); questions of the effectiveness of the company's activities (personnel management, production, marketing, performance management in general).

Within the framework of the main target orientation of international management, we will single out those tasks that most bear the specifics of this economic category:

A comprehensive study, analysis and assessment of the external environment of international business in the interests of finding and implementing sources of competitive advantages of the firm . .

In-depth analysis and assessment of the cultural background in each host country and the use of its capabilities (taking into account the limitations) in the development of strategic, tactical and operational decisions on the functioning and development of the company both in this country and in general. .

Evaluation, selection and practical use of the organizational forms in which the company's foreign operations are carried out, in order to maximize the effect of using the economic potential and legal capabilities of the host countries. .

The formation and development of the multinational firm's staff or its subsidiaries in the home country and the host countries to maximize the use of personal potential of employees, the ability of individual ethnic groups and the effect of their interaction within the firm. .

Search, develop and effectively use a variety of opportunities for international business placement in various production and functional areas.

International management is a special type of management, the main objectives of which are the formation, development and use of the competitive advantages of the company due to the opportunities for doing business in different countries and the appropriate use of the economic, social, demographic, cultural and other features of these countries and inter-country interaction. In a general sense, we can conclude that international management is the management of various aspects of the international activities of multinational companies.