Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The importance of management in modern society (management in general)

Management in general, can be defined as a system of economic production management. Which includes a set of principles, methods, forms and techniques of management. Applied management theory and practical methods of practical leadership, applied under the understanding of the art of management. The strategy of organization and development of any enterprise () is inconceivable without recourse to personnel. In order to ensure the functioning of an enterprise, a strong team must be formed on it, capable of ensuring its high professional authority.
Managers are conventionally divided into three main groups:

the highest level (top manager) is the general director, directors, members of the board of the enterprise;

middle link (middle manager) - heads of management, departments, workshops;

the lowest level (entry manager) - heads of sub-departments, sectors, teams, groups.

Top-level managers determine the main direction of the enterprise, its goals and objectives. As the practice of large companies shows, such a manager devotes more than 80% of his working time to forming a business development strategy, making contacts with federal, regional and local authorities, banks, suppliers of raw materials, materials, components, etc. The remaining time is spent on implementing programs and work plans, monitoring the work of subordinates. Naturally, such a manager needs to know the production technology

Top-level managers determine the main direction of the enterprise, its goals and objectives. As the practice of large companies shows, such a manager devotes more than 80% of his working time to forming a business development strategy, making contacts with federal, regional and local authorities, banks, suppliers of raw materials, materials, components, etc. The remaining time is spent on implementing programs and work plans, monitoring the work of subordinates. Naturally, such a manager needs to know the production technology. However, to a much greater extent, he must have the ability to select and deploy personnel, primarily leadership. those. middle and lower level manager.

Thus, if the top management is almost entirely focused on the formulation of the general policy of the enterprise strategy, then the non-average managerial link falls the main part of the responsibility for the practical implementation of decisions, including:

For changing organizational structures;

Development of production and marketing systems;

Organization of interaction, functional divisions of the company;

Providing top management with the necessary information on time;

Coordinating and managing the work of lower-level managers.

The essence of management is determined by the need for qualified and professional personnel management of the organization's departments in accordance with its tasks and goals in market conditions. Skilled management means the implementation of management based on knowledge gained not only in an educational institution when choosing a future profession (specialty), but also those that were acquired by a manager later, as a result of practical experience. Professional management presupposes the presence of a certain qualification, which is formed from management experience, determined by the experience of practical work as a manager

Therefore, the essence of management consists in combining the professional knowledge of a manager with his professional management actions, which should complement each other and develop. The need for management is associated with the need to make managerial decisions taking into account the rules, in the form of laws established by the state, which puts all market participants on an equal footing in the structure of market relations, regardless of the size of primary capital, industry and regional affiliation, the lifetime of the business and its type.

Compliance with such rules, i.e. laws of the state, allows you to effectively use the planned results for all participants in the exchange in accordance with their place in the general division of labor (based on who and what can do). Violation of such rules, i.e. laws of the state, as well as their inconsistency with the requirements of the time and the development of market relations, leads to an imbalance in the latter, which is fraught with corruption, illegal actions of officials aimed at personal enrichment, dissatisfaction with market participants, withholding tax revenues by business, and expansion of the shadow sector of the economy.