Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Greatest Invention (Today I would like to talk about great inventions)

Today I would like to talk about great inventions. What is this great invention? At different times of the existence of our planet, the people living on it have always invented something new and for each time it was a great invention. Once upon a time, fire was an innovation for a person, because he could cook his own food on it or just keep warm from the cold. Someone invented ships to discover new lands, someone invented new weapons to defend their homeland. In our time, a modern person will not be surprised even by a robot, because a modern person has already seen many different films about robots. And the person himself, almost every day interacts with the computer, and the computer is part of the robot.

For each person, the greatest discovery is something different. For someone it is a computer, for someone it is a rocket with which you can see other planets. In our time, discoveries occur daily, but for the common man it is not so important. Since modern man has too many worries, because of which he does not have time to follow the scientific life. We are told only about the most significant discoveries, such as an electric car or how some drone sends us photos of the surface of Mars. Discoveries make our lives easier and safer. Sо, in modern cars, a large number of programs and systems are programmed that monitor the situation around the car. In medicine, they also constantly make discoveries, new vaccines, vitamins, and so on, which will help our body overcome the disease and cope with the onslaught of bacteria and viruses.

In conclusion, we can say that the greatest discovery is a discovery, which will turn the modern world upside down and force a person to adapt to a new life