Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The death penalty: For or against?

The question of the death penalty has been relevant to some extent throughout the existence of States. This is a question that cannot be said" Yes "or" no " to the whole world. It should be considered separately for each state. More recently, we talked about the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty in Russia. So this is a very serious and responsible step, it is important to consider all sides of this issue and identify the advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, it is worth noting that quite a large number of citizens of our country support its recovery, and this is evidenced by official data. There are many reasons for this position of the people. First, any type of imprisonment is paid for by the state, namely the taxes of law-abiding citizens. This means that the relatives of the victims, paying taxes, pay for the lives of the murderers of their relatives. Moreover, imprisonment does not completely eliminate the threat to the security of society. Thus, life imprisonment does not exclude the escape of the convicted person, influencing other prisoners (for example, involving them in terrorist activities, etc.). (e) secondly, despite the well-known expression "the punishment must be appropriate to the fault", many of the sentences imposed by the court do not correspond to the gravity of the crime and are now found to be unfair to the injured party. Of course, the death penalty does not allow for correction, but statistics show that people who have committed serious crimes without any justification (for example, killing an attacker in self-defense) repeat them again, and only a small percentage of them are corrected. Thus, dangerous to society people are released, commit crimes, return to prison, and everything is repeated in a circle. They do not stop the fear of punishment, but the fear of death can stop. However, there is one good reason why the death penalty in our country cannot be easily resolved - the possibility of miscarriage of justice. No matter how professional the investigators are in the criminal case, no matter how convincing the evidence of the guilt of the convicted person, and no matter how fair the court is, there is always a possibility of error in the judicial system of any country on our planet. After the execution of erroneous sentence any proof or rehabilitation will not be able to return to life executed, despite his guilt / innocence. The possibility of such a fatal error should be reduced to zero. I believe that the death penalty is a fair punishment for particularly serious crimes against the individual and society, it is a means of cleaning the world from the most caustic "dirt" that inhabits it. But the question of the admissibility of the death penalty can only be discussed when the judicial system is close to ideal and has no serious flaws.