Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The death penalty

The death penalty as the highest extent of punishment has always caused and causes heated debates. Many politicians and public figures cannot come to a consensus and due to that there is a division into two camps: those who support the death penalty and those who against it.

My opinion on the capital punishment is ambiguous. There is no doubt that life was given from above and no one has a right to take it away. A person who committed a willful murder deserves to be executed and this is the way they shall be responsible for their act. Though, I believe there are a number of reasons why we should not introduce this into practice. Among them is undeveloped justice which may cause judicial error and as the consequence an innocent person may be hurt.

Moreover, I think that introduction of the capital punishment would not solve the issue of criminality, because criminals who have committed a crime hope to avoid the punishment. That is why the death penalty does not provide proper restrictive impact.

Besides, a person who has committed a crime might start to believe that there is nothing else to loose and will continue to commit new crimes, trying to cover their tracks.

Nowadays, many think that introduction of the capital punishment is inhumane, because the major basic concepts such as kindness, sympathy, tender heart, which were cultivated in us from the childhood might disappear and lead the society to a destructive state.

In my opinion, our government has to improve its justice system by training of qualified personnel, impartiality and integrity of judges and carrying out careful investigations on each case.

Thus, I consider that capital punishment has to be applied only in those countries where the justice system is well developed.