Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The consumer behavior or two people from different generations

With the development of Internet marketing, interest in the theory of generations, which was developed in 1991 by Neil Howe and William Strauss, revived. Some experts believe, not without reason, that a new era has come, in which classical marketing will not be able to respond quickly to changes in consumer preferences. It is important to have an understanding of the deep values of generations that will help marketers find a common language.

There are big differences between different generations, so it is important to know their features. The researchers, based on a study of the US population, identified several generations:

1900-1923. Generation GI ( "generation winners ").

1923-1943. " Silent generation".

1943-1963. Generation "baby boomers" (My grandparents)

1963-1979. Generation X (My parents)

1980-2000. Generation Y or generation The Millennium " (I )

2000-2020. Generation Z or generation MeMeMe" (My children)

Most of the consumers are now representatives of the last three generations, the share of the generation of "baby boomers" born after the Second World War is extremely small and is steadily declining. Generation Z is just entering the scene – teenagers still have few resources of their own. I believe that the new generation is forming a buying model much earlier. They used to be the individuals making a choice among the various goods and services. Representatives of this generation are acutely experiencing the loss of modern means of communication. Left without a gadget, they hardly choose a different type of leisure, especially for teenagers. This partly applies to the representatives of the previous generation. But X, like my parents, left without the Internet, will easily switch to reading a book or other leisure activities.

Marketing messages to Generation Y are increasingly appealing to emotions. This generation loves new and exciting experiences. Even in the advertising of expensive products, they begin to advertise not the product itself and its functionality, but the emotions that it will bring to the owner. Another core value for this generation is communication. In the age of information technology, people still need close interpersonal communication, so advertising companies that play this topic "catch" the audience.

But Generation X values the functionality of the product more. Compared to Y's parents. Also, the characteristics of generations X and Y are that the older ones like to teach, and the younger ones like to learn. At the same time, they are not inclined to receive a systematic education, they prefer to study those aspects that can easily be applied in practice. That is why Generation Y consumers are so actively involved in various trainings, short-term courses on the Internet, the infobusiness has gained loyal customers in their face, they organize their business at home (workshops, pastry shops) and promote their goods through the networks. Generation Y is also called digital migrants – they did not use the Internet as a child, but they easily adapted and actively use the network. Creating an improved image in social networks is one of the behavioral trends of this generation. This generation is increasingly becoming the goods in online stores, uses the services online.

About the youngest generation – generation Z, they say that they are "digital people" For their generation, the Internet has become a resource available at any time, to find something on the network, you no longer need a computer. Thanks to the advent of freelancing and remote work, many of the parents of generation Z pay more attention to their children, spend more time with them. The world of generation Z is wider, they do not establish strong connections, if they do not like something, they just choose another option-the global network gives a lot of opportunities. These people will prefer to get a quick result. Their main motivation is interest. The life of this generation is inextricably linked with gadgets and social networks, so advertising communications are best built using these channels.

Having studied the features of the generations, we summarize.

Regardless of the" consumer " generation, the consumer ability depends on the level of income, lifestyle and occupation. And, of course, a direct influence on the behavior of the buyer has its generated family.