Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Mark Twain, has a short story "Alive or dead"

Mark Twain, has a short story "Alive or dead". Who does not know, it is about how the artist Francois millet, who is tired of the constant lack of money, together with friends played his death. After that, his paintings jumped in price and collectors began to arrange because of them fights. But Francois millet under a different name and his friends fabulously rich on this.

So, while another rock legend and rebel, John Lennon, parted with the rest of the "Beatles", went to the United States, Jim Morrison parted with the rest of the "doors" and left America for a quieter Europe. His last birthday, December 8, 1970, he celebrated with a recording Of "American prayer" - a collection of his poems. Exactly 10 years later on this day John Lennon will fall from the hands of an idiot who wanted fame in such a terrible way. But so far, both John and Jim are alive and at a crossroads. Instead of celebrating the birthday of another quite traditional booze, Morrison locked himself in a rented Studio with a few close friends and there read almost 20 hours of his poems. According to those present, he was very excited and happy. A few days later (December 12) was the last performance of "doors" with Jim Morrison and in the spring he left America forever and moved to Paris. There is no clear opinion whether Jim left the band or just planned to switch and take a break from the performances. Further work was planned on the release of records with the "American prayer", as well as on the film about the "doors". Went last lifetime album, "L. A. Woman" and in June 1971 telephone conversation with John Desmo Jim enthusiastically spoke about this album and made plans for future recordings. But it soon happened July 3, and if three members of "the doors" were concerned about what to do with unmanaged Jim, now the question arose what to do without Jim. The group tried to exist as the trio discussed options to replace Morrison, Iggy