Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The consumer behavior of two people from different generations

According to American scientists’ opinion, since the beginning of the twentieth century, five generations have been counted.

1963 - 1983 - appearance of the "generation X", or "unknown generation". The continuation of the Cold War, AIDS, and drugs - all this formed the readiness of these people to change. They are characterized by global awareness and technical literacy, as well as the desire to learn.

During the formation of the X generation values ​​, the largest supermarket and hypermarkets began to appear. This affected the consumer stereotype generation. For the X-generation, the goal of going to the store is to purchase things of prime necessity. It is more important for them that they can make a purchase nearby. This generation is ready to spend more money for its convenience, for the opportunity to buy as much different good quality goods in one place as it’s possible. People of this generation go to the store knowing exactly what they need to buy.

At the same time, there is such a phenomenon as an individual product. For generation X, it is important to emphasize its uniqueness, and independently, without imposing from outside, to make a purchasing decision. As a result of the generation X influence, whose representatives are now active buyers, the popularity of the do-it-yourself stores has increased. For example, the company IKEA very accurately caught this trend and proposed the idea of ​​individuality as its main concept.

The buyer behavior of this generation can be expressed in the phrase "add your own personality, create a thing that no one else will have."

As for the choice of the goods, the generation X likes to be surprised, they often say "surprise me, and I'll buy it from you." In their opinion, a unique person should receive a unique product. When deciding on a purchase, they are looking for the answer to the question: what is in this product or service for me?

For the generation of Y supermarkets and hypermarkets from the place of purchase turn into a place of entertainment. If the representatives of generation X usually come to the store alone, then generation, Y prefers to come with friends. The store for this generation is a cultural center where people come for a walk, have a cup of coffee, watch a movie, listen to music. Today, hypermarkets and shopping centers include not only shops, but also restaurants, cafes, cinemas, fitness centers.

For a generation Y, it is important to try the product, they want to make a buying decision easily, playing and having fun.

Studying the packaging, generation X pays attention to the composition of the product.

For the generation of Y, it is important that the food is tasty and, most importantly, useful. If generation X were the main consumers of fast foods, then the Y generation prefers vegetarian restaurants and molecular cuisine. Generation Y considers proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Even "McDonald's" introduces a menu of caloric content.

Studying the packaging, the generation of Y pays attention to the percentage of fat content, the content of vitamins and minerals, the energy value of the product.

A huge change of predilections from generation to generation can be illustrated by changing priorities in choosing cars. Generation X knew all the “delights” of the gasoline crisis, so their cars became practical. There were subcompacts - both economical, and convenient for city parking. Generation Y is characterized by concern for the environment. Presumably, when choosing a car, they will pay attention to its environmental friendliness.

The attitude to medicine and medical institutions among generations is also different. Generation X faithfully believes in doctors. Generation X will go to the doctor only in case of emergency, and not to the district clinic, but to a paid medical center. They will spend money better, but they will not waste time.

As a conclusion, I can tell that Y generation is just an improved version of the old generation; we take all the best from them and add new to make it perfect.

И. Краснов

11 ноября 2018 г.