Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

The Changing of my neighborhood

When I was little, my neighborhood was very different from the present. It used to be much better than it is now.

I live in a quiet, cozy and small area. There are five-story, three-story and two-story houses here. Our house is far from the road, but we live in the railway station area, so sometimes we hear trains, they do not bother us. We have a playground in our yard.We also have a football field. There is a small plot of land near the house where neighbors plant flowers in summer, thereby decorating our yard. The landscaping in our neighborhood is good, in summer there are green trees and shrubs, in autumn the yellow and red leaves look very beautiful. Near shops, banks, cinema, pharmacies, cafes, schools. We have a kindergarten in our yard, which I went to when I was little, and it is very convenient and not far from home.

Many years ago, my area was simpler and safer. There was no parking for cars, so there were almost no cars, the children could play in the yard. There was also a small front garden surrounded by a fence. Children usually played there, including myself, in winter they made snowmen, and in summer they played in the sandbox. Now this front garden is gone, instead there is a parking lot. I like my neighborhood.

Today I live in another part of the city and in other neighborhoods. The area in which I live today does not suit me. This is not what I have in my yard. The narrow courtyard, without playgrounds, is practically not landscaped. Of course there are pluses, there is a bus stop next to the house. There is a police station and a shop across the street.

Take care of your yard and make it better, then you will be pleased to live in your neighborhoods.