Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

That's what I think about lying

If you are a skilled liar and you can fool everyone around, this is not an achievement. You can deceive and confuse all around people. We do not love and most often do not agree with the fact that time, but what about yourself? How to deal with the fact that it is impossible to deceive yourself? And yes, I agree that lying is bad. And I try to avoid such people.

WHAT DOES LIE LEARN? Living in society and not lying is impossible. Lie got everything. And often our lie is absolutely innocent: it helps one to live with different people without feeling hostile feelings towards each other. But lies have a lot of faces, along with a good and pretty half-truth there is a malicious deception! We lie not only in order to avoid insults, but also in order to gain benefits. And such deception is an undermining of trust. The closer the relationship, the more the lies are stung. For example, if you lying to your parents, brother, sister, they will take it very painfully: they want to trust you. But then it is easier for them to forgive your lies, because you will forever remain a close person for them.

WHY is lying HARMFUL? If you lie constantly, you end up in strict isolation. Be sure: instead of friends you will have enemies, and your former loved ones will despise you. Cheating, we are nervous. If we more serious the lies and the stronger the nervousness, the brighter the signals. And the easier it is to notice them! Wanting to deceive everyone, we are likely to run into a sufficient number of “clairvoyants” in order to acquire a bad reputation. And lies will certainly end with the collapse ... One person can be fooling for a long time. For some time, you can be misled and a large mass of people, but for a long time to deceive everyone? Impossible!

FALSE IS BEFORE SEVERAL SPECIES: SAVING (for good): For example: a child is seriously ill, and the parents know that the child is dying. Will you tell your child the truth? DIRTY (malicious): For example, one of two men fighting for a woman’s attention spread a rumor about an opponent that he was ... sick with AIDS! What is it like? Malicious lies, spreading rumors and slander are often used as a weapon in competition. Of all kinds of lies, this is the most destructive. If a person does not abhor this, it means that he has neither soul nor conscience. Enticing idea (for the sake of wit): When we talk about something and get carried away, add to what was, what was not! To make it more interesting! And then we experience a feeling of awkwardness: having lurked, we blackened someone and someone (ourselves) was whitewashed ...

How to become liars? Parents teach children: you must always tell the truth, but cheating is not good! And at the same time, the child is being tried to be polite: be friendly, make a pretty face, depict a delight from a gift, even if it is not at all a joy to you ... In general, sheer pretense. And when a child speaks the truth, they can punish him. For example, along the street past a mother with a daughter is a fat woman. The child asks loudly: “Why is the aunt so fat?” And she gets an answer - in a soft spot! Not so harmless! Of course, there is also self-deception and other types of lies. But, if you think about it, you yourself will understand: what is good in each case, what is bad. And the question “To lie or not to lie?” Always has to be answered independently.