Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

«Social networks: advantages and disadvantages»

Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. We live in a virtual world, communicate with friends, read the news, play games, share information. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of social networking?

We cannot deny the fact that mankind made a major breakthrough in the development of the Internet and social networking in General. Our life has become much more comfortable thanks to the many features where the most important of them is communication. Messengers like WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber created just for that purpose. More opportunities perform such sites as Vkontakte, Facebook, Оdnoklassniki more versatile. There you can not only communicate, but also to post photos, listen to music, play games, read news column. Another important feature of social networks is the possibility of rapid dissemination of information. For example, someone lost their family pet and posted information about it disappearance in the network. People reposted the post, thereby spreading the word, and the animal was found. Another popular, but not always a pleasant feature of social networking is advertising, because mostly it is cheating people. The last function is the storage of information. All of your correspondence, photos, information remain with you until you decide to remove them.

But there is a flip side. Social networking consumes us, make dependent, and there are many examples. People lose touch with reality, it is more important than likes and comments under the photo, rather than a compliment in real life. In some cases, it leads to a degradation. And it is frustrating when you are talking with someone face to face, and he buried his face in the phone.

I believe that social networks are useful and important in our time, but we need to know the measure, otherwise we risk to lose ourselves.