Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Seven wonders of the world were created by people in antiquity, but there is another wonder of the world, no less surprising

“... But in the books there is about everything, about everything:

                             About rivers and seas

                             And the sky has no end

                             And the round earth

                             About astronauts, to the clouds

                             Flying many times

                             About rain, and lightning, and hail,

                             About light, heat and gas ... "

Seven wonders of the world were created by people in antiquity, but there is another wonder of the world, no less surprising.

  It is familiar to each of us, but we are so used to this creation of mankind that we rarely think about its value. And this miracle always lies at hand and, like a true friend, is ready at any moment to come to the rescue, teach, advise, tell. These are books. Many other inventions became possible precisely thanks to the book.

  They surround us from birth. At first it was “little books” with many color pictures, fairy tales, riddles. They helped us think and then pronounce the first words. We are growing and books are growing. We learn that on our planet there are fields, mountains, forests, seas. We know the world: we see how days and nights change, autumn and winter, spring and summer. The book gives us answers to thousands of “why?”. For example, “Why do the stars shine?”, “Why is it raining?”.

Reading enriches memory with new knowledge, ennobles the soul. Russian proverbs say this: “One book of a thousand people teaches”, “To know books - to gain one's mind”, “A book is our assistant in work, will help out in trouble”, “To live with a book - do not take a century”,

“I read a good book - I met a friend”, “The book is like water - it will pave the way everywhere.”

Reading strengthens literacy, instills a taste for good words, a love of the native language. But books not only teach us, but also educate us.

You open a page, another - the walls of the room move apart, it becomes visible far, far away; you will hear the voices of those who lived a long time ago or those who are now from you to distant lands, beyond forests and seas.

A book is a wonderful world that teaches us to distinguish good from evil, bad from good. We turn to her for advice, entertainment and comfort, in joy and sorrow. As writer Victor Hugo said: “A book is friends. Impartial, but loyal. ”

  I really like reading books: myths, legends, tales, fiction. I have a real library at home with a wide variety of books. There are books that I read several times. These are Russian folk tales, books by E. Uspensky about Uncle Fedor, “Barankin, be a man!” Valery Medvedev and others. . In my family everyone loves to read, they are ready to give anything, just to be able to read at least a little. In general, people give little, but require a lot. Books give a lot and require so little: the ability to think and feel.