Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Рассказ Сомерсета Моэма “The Creative Impulse”

“Do you like the story? Why?”

English classics will never be outdated. Many admirers of English talent notice that today there are few writers who can write something wonderful and fit everything into a compact ten to twenty pages on paper. Maugham was able to describe the most classic situation that can happen to anyone who sees nothing beyond their nose.
So, a story about a woman who devoted her whole life to creativity, whose name is literature. What is good about the story?

First, it is a life story. Mrs. Forrester is a married lady living on her husband's money. She doesn`t see the flattery of the people around her. She takes her guests for friends, not noticing the barbs and whispers behind her back. She is short-sighted, aesthetically arrogant and narcissistic. Despite her not too beautiful appearance, she loves and respects herself. Mrs. Forester doesn`t understand Albert, her husband. He is next to her only as a background and a bag of money. She doesn't pay as much attention to him as she does to her unprofitable jobs and fake friends.

Secondly, the work reveals the meaning of understatement and disdain. Mrs Forrester prefers to close her eyes to what she doesn't like. Even an open conversation with her friends about the fact, that she is no one without her husband doesn`t open her eyes to the present. She doesn`t believe that her husband dared to leave her for the sake of an ordinary cooker-woman. When she decides to talk to Albert in private, he opens her eyes to the truth and talks about what he was silent for all thirty-five years and shared these years with another woman. With a woman, who understood him and was closer to him, than his own wife.

Thirdly, this is a short story in which the whole meaning fits into the description of the relationship between husband and wife against the background of a conversation about literature. For an hour of reading a work, you can gain knowledge about how you can be wrong in yourself and your strengths and not see anything around when narcissism reaches the point of absurdity.

In conclusion, I will say that I liked the story, because real relationships are written here with a bit of humor and light tragedy. In my opinion, not every author will be able to combine these two details together if he doesn`t have life experience and his own view of things.