Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Произведение Марк Твена “Is He Living or is He Dead?”

“Do you like the story? Why?”.

People will never give up lying. Mark Twain has always been able to perfectly show how in our everyday life people lie twenty times a day and don`t feel bad at the same time. For the writer, this was one of the main qualities that prevail in a person. The writer shows the true nature of people when he writes that people lie every day, from the very morning and sometimes without a twinge of consciences. He claims that he didn`t invent this point of view himself, but only shown it in paints.

This story is a comedy. It includes a line of lies, which was supposed to safely bring the main characters' ideas to a logical and, if possible, a good end to the story. As we know, lies are good, because the characters in Twain's story adhere to a plan - not to harm anyone but themselves. If that happens.

According to the plot, the main characters are four young talents who consider themselves gurus of art. They try to gain fame by writing magnificent arts, but thay had a little interest in their work. The heroes understand that the problem lies in the habitual thought of this world. Until his death, the artist is unremarkable and should not be appreciated.

Four artists decide to "kill" one of their friends, whose paintings seem more meaningful to them. That person agrees and then there is a falsification of death data. The heroes are watching the reaction of the world from the side, continuing to create and earn on the labors of a supposedly dead friend. In the end, they got rich and reveal their plan.

On the one hand, the artists were smart. They assumed in advance what could happen, reinsured, helped each other in all this lies, and eventually emerged together. No one was hurt by a little lie, and the artists received worthwhile money for their work. They were able to stop in time so that the lie didn`t become permanent.
On the other hand, the picture shows the hypocrisy of this world and the innate talent for lying among the central characters. Before this work, a person needs to grow morally in order to understand that the heroes lied for the good, and they didn`t deliberately steal money and fame.

I liked the story, because it reveals the everyday problems of our society. A man doesn`t value what he has. A man will never admit that he likes something in another person while he is alive and well. Society is a collection of people with this given quality. Consider the reaction to death of such talents, not so long gone as David Bowie, Alan Rickman, or Michael Jackson. During their lifetime they were loved, they were listened to and watched, sometimes, it is true, they were hated and muddied, but after their death they were literally canonized as saints. All bad deeds were immediately forgotten, and honors were given to their relatives. Hypocrisy? In some ways.