Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Работа моей мечты

Today, any modern student knows that the end of training is not only the time for strict exams and romantic proms, but also the most important step in the life of every person-the choice of a future profession. Alas, nowadays a favorite and interesting specialty, which, moreover, would give a certain level of well-being, can be considered almost a luxury, and thousands of people are forced to work in boring and not at all favorite positions for the sake of a more or less stable income. But another thing is also known – it is impossible to become a happy person without revealing your potential in your favorite and thoroughly studied profession. Those who are preparing to make their choice should remember one thing: there are no boring or uninteresting professions in the world, there is a lack of craving and ability for this or that business. That is why in such a serious matter, you should never be inclined to someone else's opinion or prestige considerations, because a genuine interest and a set of necessary abilities can make any profession truly beloved and attractive.

To achieve heights in the profession of your dreams, you need to work hard on yourself, constantly improve your knowledge and expand your practical experience. But the most difficult step is to realize your purpose, to measure your desires with your own qualities of character and mindset. And then the choice of specialty will never disappoint, and all difficulties will be solved with extraordinary energy and optimism.

Every person already in school years thinks about his future. About what he would become. Choosing a profession is not easy. There are many different professions in the world. These are engineers and doctors, cooks and waiters, builders and sellers. All of them are very necessary for people, each is important in its own way.

But there is another profession, without which no one can do in life. This, of course, is the teacher! And I like this profession the most. Teachers are the main guides to life. After all, school is our second home, and the classroom is our second family.

When I was younger, I used to play school a lot. I sat all my toys in front of me and handed out notebooks, pens, and pencils. And she was their teacher and dictated what to write down. In my hands I always had a pointer, and on my shoulders my mother's stole (for importance). She often gave dictation to her parents and asked them to make mistakes on purpose. I liked correcting them, grading them, and signing them.

Teaching is a very difficult profession. He must be kind, fair, hardy. He must pass on all his knowledge to his students. The teacher teaches us not only to count, read and write. Not only to determine the case of nouns and insert missing letters. It teaches us politeness, mutual respect, kindness, justice and honesty. It teaches you to become a human being! This is very painstaking work and requires constant effort and perseverance. not everyone can become a good teacher. only those who love children very much will achieve success and respect. of course, each of us has a teacher who will support us in difficult times, understand and help us believe in our own strength.

I dream of becoming just such a teacher! and i will always strive for this!

There are 70 thousand types of work in the world, and this figure is growing every day. the development of civilization and technology contributes to this.

The most unusual professions

The barking dog detective.

This vacancy has become famous, thanks to the tax on pets in Sweden. Naturally, people do not want to pay for it, and the supervisory authorities are trying in every possible way to find those who violate the law. Here and come to the aid of dog detectives who are barking to find animals without a license from the owners.

An interesting fact: a certain Elfrida Karlsson became very famous in Sweden. She can bark 20 different ways, more than 95% of dogs respond to this. In addition, Elfrida can determine the age and breed from the answer, and then writes out a receipt to the owners.

Toilet guide

Finding a place to meet your physiological needs can sometimes be a real torture, especially for tourists in an unfamiliar country. To do this, there are special toilet guides who will quickly show you everything and can even explain how to use it.

And their workbooks even indicate the profession of "toilet guide".

It is believed that such an unusual work originated in China, but it has been found for many years in Japan.

Water Amusement Tester

Roller Coaster Tester

Water parks are visited by millions of people around the world. This is quite a profitable business, especially in warm countries and resort towns. However, the competition here is also rather big, as a result, you need a person who can test and describe the sensations of descending from water slides. Such unusual vacancies have become famous in England and imply a fairly decent salary.

Interesting fact: In April 2013, student Seb Smith signed a 6-month contract with a salary of $ 31,000 as a water park tester. His duties will include riding rides in Turkey, Egypt, Spain and other countries, blogging and publishing reviews on social networks. Before him, this position was held for 4 years by Tommy Lynch.

Iceberg cleaner

In winter, snow is removed from the roads, and cars that are parked in the wrong place are evacuated all year round. Sea routes and the ocean are no exception. Iceberg cleaner can be safely included in the most unusual jobs in the world.

Most often, oil companies become employers, because floating ice mountains can easily crash into production facilities.

Argovitz dreams

Merchant of Dreams

It sounds mystical, but today you can buy your childhood dream for money. This profession has become known in the United States. It is not surprising, because such unusual vacancies are not found in Moscow. According to rumors, the wish fulfillment company is located in Chicago, and the cost of its services starts at $ 150,000.

However, there is no official information about such an organization in the network yet.

Professional sonya

The next profession is Sonya. Its essence is to test your rest and sleep furniture, for example, sofas, mattresses, as well as hotel rooms. There are such unusual vacancies in Moscow (without work experience), because in Russia there are also hotels and mattress manufacturers.

Interesting fact: it is likely that the need for specialists checking the comfort of sleeping places was long ago, but not advertised. In the media, it is often mentioned that in 2013 the Finn Hotel in Helsinki was looking for a person for a similar position, and in 2010 the Chinese company Qunar hired a professional sonya (a girl with the surname Zhang).

The seller Of tears

Weeping Girls

Asian countries are best suited for finding jobs in unusual professions. Here they are used to restrain their emotions and pay tribute to traditions. For example, at a funeral, the loved ones of the deceased do not cry, and for this purpose specially trained “sellers” of tears are hired. They play a role and very naturally depict crying.

For example, the Chinese woman Jin Guihua, who is shown above in the photo. She received only a school education, but she has been playing lament well for more than 20 years. The fee for one funeral comes out to about 120 yuan (20 USD).

The ear cleaner

Unusual professions in the world are quite common, especially in exotic countries. Ear cleaners are still common in India. even in such a case, there are many nuances, and there people do it with an expert approach.

In Russia, there is no such work, and this does not fit into the national mentality.

Resident of the island

Rich owners of their own mansions and islands have gone so far as to hire people to live there and look after the local fauna. Such cases have been encountered in the world practice many times.

Interesting fact: in 2018, an unusual job without experience was opened for a book seller in the Maldives (Baa Atoll). His task is to blog about life on a deserted island and work with literature.

Ben sothel won a lucky ticket when he became the caretaker of hamilton island with a salary of $110,000.

Condom tester

Very often there is a mention of such work, but in fact this version of protection is not tested in real conditions, although there were rumors about this.


Klacker — a person who will clap you at performances (concerts, in the theater, etc.). such unusual vacancies are in st. petersburg (st. petersburg) and other russian cities for sure. Just officially they do not advertise, trying to hire on acquaintance or secretly.

Interesting fact: clacker is a fairly ancient profession. it is mentioned in the third century bc, when the comedian philemon hired clackers against his rival menander.

Fake relative

The actor relative

People live in megacities and often, when it comes time to arrange a family celebration, they have no one to invite. then they turn to special agencies where ordinary people are ready to play the role of their relatives.

Such actors can be found at a wedding or other holiday, where it is important to show yourself and your family from the best side.

by the way, in the days of the russian nobility, sometimes even at the wedding, instead of the groom, his lawyer could be present. so before the altar stood a handsome man and a beautiful woman, he made vows on behalf of his employer, and then drove the bride to her new home, where she was met by her real husband. Often it was a decrepit old man.

taking relatives for rent for money is another asian idea, where such pretense is appreciated. In China and Japan, there are entire agencies that deal with these services. one of these is family romance, which was founded by yuchi ishi.

Example: In May 2018, in China, the groom hired 200 fake relatives for his own wedding without even notifying the bride. As a reward, he paid 80 yuan to each of them.

Penguin flipper

Penguin flipper

In Antarctica the penguins love to watch how the rise and landing aircraft. They raise their heads so high that they fall on their backs. after that, the bird will not be able to stand up on its own. people help them in this.

Previously, this profession was considered the rarest in the world, since in 2007 it was owned by only two people who worked at the polar stations of Antarctica.

Today, penguin flippers can be included in unusual professions in Russia. For example, such a position is available at the stations "Mirny" and "Vostok" with an average salary of 140,000 rubles.

Expert on tickling the heels


Tickling is a form of torture, and sometimes an exotic pleasure. The most common such vacancy is in African countries.

Interesting fact: the tickling of heels originates in Ancient Persia and was considered one of the entertainment at the royal court.

Cheese listener

Parmesan Listener

Parmesan is a very famous variety of Italian cheese, and it takes quite a long time to mature. His readiness is revealed by specially trained "Parma hearers". They hit the cheese with a silver hammer and determine the maturity of the cheese head by the sound. To get a delicious cheese, it takes time and a unique ear. The clearer and louder the sound is beaten out with a silver hammer, the more ready the cheese is to eat.


The objectives of female includes the customer's choice of combination of cigars and liquor. The vacancy occurred by expanding from a more common position-sommelier (assistant in the selection of wines).

In the Russian market, the demand for fumelya is small, most often bartenders improve their skills and help customers with the choice.

Specialist in names for dresses

If the task of the designer is to make an irresistible dress, then a catchy name for it is already the goal of another specialist.

In fact, such a profession has existed for a long time and is quite common. There are PR managers whose duties include writing slogans and mottos, designing dresses-no exception, they also hire specialists of this kind.

A taster of weed in Amsterdam and Canada

Pot Taster

In countries where the use of marijuana as a medicinal product is legalized, tasters are often found and even there is a wide demand for them, since the profession is not the highest paid.

Example: in the media, the case of the manufacturer A Higher Level Of Thought is widely known, where in June 2018 a vacancy was announced for bloggers who will publicly taste weed and describe their feelings. In addition, applicants were required to have considerable "work experience".

therapy and drug testers

it is quite unusual to risk your life not catching criminals and saving people from a fire, but when testing drugs or therapy.

pharmaceutical companies hire such people all over the world, including in the cis countries. Usually they are looking for volunteers, but they also pay them a certain amount, as a result, some citizens manage to earn their bread this way.

scarecrow man

the name speaks for itself: the duty of the scarecrow man is to drive the birds away from the harvest. some representatives of birds no longer react and are not afraid of artificial stuffed animals.

Example: In the UK, Jamie Foxx plays a ukulele in the middle of a field for € 250 a week to ward off grey partridges.


Snake venom used in small doses can work wonders and is used in many medicines. The only problem is how to get it, so there was a vacancy for a herpetologist.

The profession is also common in Russia. A widely known example about Basil of Kochenko from Novosibirsk, which is a day milking 200-300 snakes.

Holiday tester at resorts

Rest Tester

A very tempting specialty — a test of recreation on the beaches in tourist cities. It is the responsibility to check hundreds of resort activities and provide relevant reports.

interesting fact: very often journalists are required to test various beaches and then write a high-quality review. Actually, travel bloggers do almost the same thing and get a decent income.

The entertaining queue


In the 60s and 80s, this profession was quite common: unemployed city residents for a small fee stood in line for sausage or something else, thus helping busy, and then tired hard workers to buy food, and they did not offend themselves.

The entertaining queue

And now this profession has been revived again, however, already in Britain, after researchers announced that an ordinary Briton spends one year of his life in a queue. an enterprising resident of london immediately opened a company where you can order a "professional stand-in line". Payment for such work sometimes reaches the mark of $ 40 per hour.

expert in assessing odors and breath freshness

such people are hired by research centers of various companies, for example, rexona, orbit and others.

Their duty is very simple-to describe the smell, evaluate the effectiveness of deodorants and breath fresheners.

Cat Food Taster

food taster

To understand that the cat will like the food is not an easy task, because pets do not know how to speak. It turns out that for such a case there are professionals among people who will try everything and appreciate the taste.

Feed producers have vacancies of this kind in the quality department. Tasters receive between $ 30,000 and $ 100,000 a year.

Rammer of passengers in the subway

Such specialists are called "hoshiya", and they work on a permanent basis in Japan, and there is also a similar profession in China.

As you can see, the duties of the vacancy include active assistance to passengers when boarding crowded subway cars. For the first time, the position was introduced at Shinjuku Station, which passes more than 3 million people daily.

A diver for golf balls

The profession became famous thanks to the diver Forest Rothchild, who collaborates with many golf clubs. His average catch for the day is 4,000 balls.

For clubs, this is more profitable than buying new balls, and for a diver — a high-paying job where you can get $ 100,000 a year.

Ant catcher

The main task of the ant catcher is to catch the most promising individuals for their subsequent breeding on special farms. The profession is not as easy as it seems at first glance, because you need to be able not only to catch an insect, but also to understand their types well.

Ants can be used for various purposes. Primarily for the extraction of poison in medicine.

Expert in determining the sex of chickens

Half a chicken

For farming, roosters are useless, because they are only "rubber" meat and no eggs. at the beginning of the 20th century, it was a huge problem to immediately understand the sex of a chicken, until veterinarians in japan found a solution. A combination of bumps under the tail, by which an experienced specialist can determine the rooster with 99% probability.

The profession is quite popular and is constantly in short supply in many countries of the world.

Escort of ducks

The profession became famous in the United States in the state of Tennessee, where the position was called "Duck Master". The hotel Memphis (USA)Peabody has its own flock of ducks. They live on the roof. every day they are accompanied by a person to take a dip in the foyer fountain.

The duties of a duck escort include wearing a special uniform and guiding the ducks along the red carpet from their home rooftop pool to the fountain in the foyer.


Empty bottle hunter. For example, in the United States, a very rare, but highly paid job (salary about 3 thousand dollars). We do not call it a profession, but quite often in crowded places you can meet a person who collects the same container, and he earned enough money only for bread, in some cases-another filled bottle. In Russia, such a person is called a homeless person, and in America-a battle hunter.

It evangelist

There are also unusual vacancies in Moscow related to the world of technical innovations. This is how an IT evangelist promotes new products and technologies, communicating closely with potential buyers at seminars, presentations, product demonstrations, and negotiations. Such a network preacher blogs and writes articles. The IT evangelist uses methods similar to religious tools to promote the product and creates an army of its future fans. It teaches and opens up the future to people.

Source list:

1. https://equity.today/neobychnye-professij.html

2. https://sochineniena5.ru/

3. https://otvet.mail.ru/question/180103625