Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.


I’d like to share with you my impressions that I experienced a long time ago, but I remember those times as if it were yesterday. In 2016 I visited the sunny city of Kemer, Antalya Province in Turkey. These were 5 wonderful days, I learned a lot about the culture of this country and its beauty. About 41 million people from different countries come to Turkey every year to rest, 5 million of them are residents of Russia.

Throughout the trip, in Turkey we were very kind and always spoke politely. Local people always sincerely smiled at us and absolutely did not hide that they love Russian tourists who visit their country. While we were traveling to the hotel by bus, we were told about the places that we passed. I don’t remember what the guide told us, but I will never forget the huge nests of storks that were on almost every pillar. As soon as we got off the bus, I immediately felt the clear mountain air. When we arrived at the hotel, we were settled in one of the houses and we went to the sea. Kemer Beach is a very beautiful and large beach, strewn with pebbles. The sea was so clear and transparent that I could see the bottom and fish even at great depths. Huge mountains towered over the beach and fascinated me.

The hotel had a huge restaurant in which there was a buffet. In this restaurant was almost all the food that humanity came up with. Despite the huge selection, I mainly ate fast food. For example: french fries, nuggets, a bunch of ketchup and soda. Once, my mother advised me to try something from the local cuisine, and I took Oriental Sweets. It is so delicious that I am still in love with this dessert. What I ate was called pakhlava - this is a pastry made from puff pastry with nuts in syrup. I highly recommend trying this miracle to anyone who hasn't eaten it yet. In addition, there were a bunch of other varieties of these sweets, but I gave my preference to pakhlava.

In fact, I'm not such a lover of the sea, so I spent all my free time in the pool. In the afternoon, I usually walked around the hotel and enjoyed the beauty of this place: a bunch of palm trees and fountains, green grass and beautiful huts.

Groups of children with animators from the Kids Club always walked throughout the territory, they took them to swim in the sea, painted with them while sitting on the lawn, and just had fun. It really inspired me to try to be an animator myself in the future. Once I talked to them and it turned out to be the same students as we are. But to work here in the summer, you just need to know English and Turkish.

In the evening, my mother and I often went to the local bazaar, where each seller went out of his way to sell his goods. These people know that tourists can be easily lured and get them to buy a bunch of junk, even if they hadn’t planned it. This bazaar had everything: from clothes to huge vases painted with oriental ornaments.

In the evening and at night, the temperature in Turkey did not drop much, and during these 5 days I never froze, so I could walk in a light dress all day. When we did not go to the bazaar, we stayed at events from the hotel. Every evening, the staff prepared the show, each time it was amazing and interesting. The concert hall was somewhat reminiscent of the Colosseum in Rome, very original. Once the performance was completely in the Turkish theme, we were asked to dress in red and white clothes from our wardrobe in the color of the flag of this country. The whole territory was decorated with red-white flags and ribbons, and at the end of the evening show we were shown a huge cake, which was exactly like the flag of Turkey and treated to us.

This trip gave me a lot of unforgettable emotions and a desire to return there again. Before leaving, I threw a coin into the sea and am still waiting for me to return to this amazing place.