Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Pressure in our world

We live in a mobile and rapidly developing world. Every day we have to face a lot of people and make a lot of decisions at work or in the family. Rush to work early in the morning, so as not to get a reprimand later, and quickly run through the busy and noisy streets towards home after a hard day's work. All this does not pass without a trace and is reflected on the person. Many people get depressed because of this lifestyle and try to find salvation in Smoking, alcohol or other bad habits, but making such a choice, people are obviously doomed to failure. So what is this depression and how does it relate to pressure in our world?

Depression is a common disease worldwide. It is estimated that more than 264 million people from all age groups worldwide suffer from it. It is the leading cause of disability in the world and contributes significantly to the global burden of disease. Depression is a dangerous enemy, because it leads to the fact that a person sometimes needs serious intervention of specialists to cope with it. It can lead from loss of performance to suicide.

Depression appears as a result of external pressure on the human psyche, and therefore is very relevant in our time. In the modern world, it is impossible at least once not to be crushed by the speed and activity of life. This is especially noticeable in large cities, where many people can't stand the pace of life and fall into depression.

That is why in our time it is very important not to succumb to external pressure and be able to find time to relax from the hustle and bustle around and renew your strength. Otherwise, you can fall into a depression, from which you can get out only with the help of special medications and treatment courses.