Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Pressure in our world

Our world consists of a great number of independent sovereign States, wich do not obey to a single system of laws and regulations and determine their aspirations arbitrarily. Limited resources or the instinct of security or even survival instinct induce each of the States to seek the possession of force and forestall the possible extension of influence the other State. The strength of the State was determined by its military power. For ages, the main factor of the pressure in our world have been the military power.

In the present time there is another approach for the meaning of forcе in the external world. It's an ability to influence on the actions of another State in a certain direction and setting the conditions under which there is only one alternative. In our days the economical factors of pressure are used more active. Mighty States prefer to increase aconomical power. They expand economic present in other country to bound them and aconomical power is implementated through aconomical pressure. Direction purpose of economic sanction is restrickt trade for non-economic reasons and to deprive countries from aconomic gain that can be obtain through trade.

Sanctions are tools of pressure and there are a big variety in our Wold. Our country is a perfect exemple of applying the sanction. A mixed bag of aconomic, financial, diplomatic and even sports sanction were takes again Russia when the relationship between the States deteriorated sharply in 2014.

Financial sanction such as the bank's ability to borrow money leaded to seriosly decline of our currency in 2014

Export structure of Russia includes more than 80% of fuel and energy resourses, so the drop in oil prices what was case by several factors unrelated to the sanctions, deprive Russia from a much needed income and underscore the vulnerability of Russian economy

Some sanctions targeted a number of Russian individuals in the belief that this would hurt the most. These sanctions include the freezing of assets for individuals and specific entities, restrictions on financial transactions with Russian firms, forbidding the number of high-ranking Russian officials and politicians to enter the United States and freezing their assets and property abroad.

The sports sanction were imposed during Olympic Games in Russia, but fortunately not all International organization support US

In our world, when one State (groupe of States) try to influence on other state using certain means of pressure to force the Government of this target State to change its politics or to make concessions, different pressure methods can be applied and its depends on numerous conditions.