Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Pressure in our world

“Stress” is one of the most commonly used words in a modern world. We’re facing pressure everyday of our life: at work, in the transport, in the shop and sometimes even at home. All people around are in a rush, they have to do a lot of things in their aspiration to get material wealth and to be realized as a personality.

On my opinion, there are three main causes of pressure in our world today. And first of them is work. Our job feeds us, so we spend most part of our life doing it. A good paid job is ever complicated and stressy. People who have such job are in the permanent competing on the huge market of professionals. They have to study all the time to keep up with the rapidly changing world. Most jobs have deadlines or suppose lots of social contacts which also give pressure.

Second thing which brings us to stress is our own expectations. All people have a picture of the “perfect life” in their heads. And we try to do our best to reach this target. Depending on our ambitions it can be easier or more difficult to do it. It’s definitely very frustrating and pressing for people, when their wishes aren’t even similar to the actual situation in their life.

And one more case of pressure is social expectations. For some people it’s more important than for other, but anyway this factor is pressing everyone. We’re getting expected to behave in a certain way by all around, even by foreign people who we meet on the street. Our parents want us to be successful and happy. Our colleagues expect us to help them. All of these are normal parts of social life. But if expectations don’t correspond to the reality, we may get conflicts and they’re ever stressful.

To sum up my essay I’d like to say that pressure is unavoidable part of our life but very often we could just think of what can make us happy right now, relax and enjoy the life. If we spend the whole life in stress, we will never have time for the happiness.