Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

"Pressure in our world"

The topic of daily pressure on a person is very broad and global.

In an era of such rapid development of the man himself suffers in the first place. And he suffers from himself, as if he is driving himself into a corner. Let's talk about large-scale seminars and coaching sessions where professional lecturers teach people to be successful, teach people to achieve goals and if the goal is achieved, set bigger and bigger goals and rush towards achieving them. And in this rush to achieve goals, a person is lost in time and does not have time to just enjoy every day, does not see around him the beautiful that does not need to run headlong, but just slow down and look around. And as a rule, everything beautiful in our world is free. And in this run for wealth and fame, the so-called American dream can pass the entire life, taking away health and young years, and then what?

People are always in a hurry. Cars and planes fly faster and farther, so people can do much more. People are chasing the invention of a vaccine that will significantly extend their lives. And they deprive themselves of time, youth, and their relationships with their loved ones, not to mention the spiritual part of our integrity. And all this comes from the fact that a person is daily under the pressure of criticism from outside.

A person is criticized everywhere, starting from kindergarten directly and indirectly. If the parents do not have a good income or status, the child falls under criticism. A child can't get a good education because of a hole in the education system, it's still the child's fault. A child cannot achieve success in art or sports because of bribery in structures or corrupt juries at competitions, and is criticized by parents and coaches. At school, at University, a child constantly falls under the influence of criticism in his life: not dressed like this, not driving a car like this, not starting the right companies. They perceive criticism in different ways, someone is close to the heart, tries to improve, and then closes himself in, and someone, thinking that he is hopeless, just start doing everything to harm. The result is either an insecure person or an immoral loafer.

And all this is waiting for its continuation. At work and at home, they will also face pressure in the form of criticism. This is happening all over the world, look what is happening. We are under daily pressure and putting pressure on people and so on in a circle. In our time, there is not a single profession that is not under pressure. Even the contemplators of this world: artists, writers, and actors are not immune from this. People often dream of a job that will bring them both satisfaction and a livelihood. But once a person stands on these rails and gets a little, and the person tries to multiply it all and puts the satisfaction and joy of work in second place. Wealth begins to take possession of a person, and in the pursuit of more, a person usually squanders the joy and peace with which he could be satisfied. As a result, it pushes itself under the pressure of the world.

When you hear on the news that another billionaire put a bullet in his head because of the economic crisis, you understand how much pressure money had on him, whether from his greed, or from his stupidity. Both have a bad effect on a person's fate. The conclusion is that the greedy or avaricious person is always poor. It is better to know the limit of your desires and goals, not to drive yourself under the pressure of world stereotypes of happiness: to be rich and famous, but just to be a comfortable person and joyfully fulfill your mission on Earth.