Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

People management

Communication skills play a big role in the career of any Manager. The ability to find an approach to those who are subordinate-the key to productivity.

The authority of the head depends on his professional skills and on his culture of communication. In an organization where the Manager does not comply with the norms of office etiquette, does not know how to correctly convey instructions to subordinates and treats them without due respect, there can be no coordinated work and 100% productivity.

Personnel management is the direction of practical activity based on providing the enterprise with quality personnel capable of performing the assigned labor functions. The ability to manage is a whole science, having mastered which managers make a huge step for the successful development of the organization. Therefore, it must be established communication - a process of bilateral exchange of ideas and information, leading to mutual understanding. This is what both employees and managers are interested in. An example of a person who can competently build relationships with subordinates and give them an incentive for the development of the organization is Davison Rockefeller, an American entrepreneur. The first time the existence of his oil company, he, instead of payment of money to reward employees with shares. Thus, their profits are veiled from the company's revenues. It was a successful move that helped further the development of the organization.

Thus, the ability to communicate with subordinates is a necessary skill for managers, which is an important component of a successful organization.