Автор Анна Евкова
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Peculiarities of business negotiations

Now I would like to express my point of view on the problem of the peculiarities of business negotiations.

let's start with the fact that business negotiations – a form of business communication. The purpose of these meetings is to reach an agreement between those who participate in them. Conducting business negotiations is necessary to discuss problems, find solutions that can satisfy all parties to the negotiation process. A modern business person should know all the nuances and peculiarities of their conduct in order to successfully develop their business.

Functions of business negotiations:

1)Information – in the process of communication can only be an exchange of information;

2)Communicative-setting up new relationships, business connections;

3)Control, coordination of actions-with established business relationships partners often just clarify some points;

4)Regulatory-the solution of emerging problems to stop disputes.


Conducting business negotiations, the purpose of which – to conclude an agreement beneficial to all parties-is not an easy process. It consists of several stages. And each stage has its own characteristics.


90% of success depends on this stage. At the preparatory stage it is necessary:

Identify the problem, find those who can solve it:

Understand the interests of all parties, clearly formulate a plan, a program of business conversation;

If necessary, select the representatives of the delegation;

Organize a meeting, take into account all organizational aspects related to the preparation for the negotiation process.


Requires careful behavior. It is not recommended to start trading immediately. Initially, it is necessary to establish contact with the partner, to find out what his interests are.


Allows you to resolve disputes that often arise during a business conversation. At this stage, there is an exchange of proposals, the parties determine what they have misunderstandings.


The parties seek to achieve the desired goal by making concessions, exchanging what has a different price, value for each party.

Decision making

Pre-final stage of negotiations. It is not recommended to hurry. It is better to think again whether the agreement reached is profitable or not.

The final stage-securing agreements

It requires mandatory fixation of the agreement reached in order to avoid refusal of the parties from the decision that was made at the negotiations.


Business negotiations are an oral conversation with the personal participation of interested parties. It can be 2-sided or multilateral. These types of business negotiations can take the form of a dispute, discussion, persuasive, constructive or instructive conversation. In turn, a multilateral business conversation can also be organized in the form of a meeting, a meeting, a conversation at the so-called "round table", a presentation.

The most common forms of business negotiations

Constructive conversation

The two sides exchanged views. The process is mutual. Each of the parties accepts all the views, positions, facts expressed, regardless of who is the author.

Instructive conversation

Transfer of information on the one hand. As a rule, in the form of instruction, instructions. The goal is to get the other party to come to the desired agreement.

Persuasive talk

The declination of the interlocutor to the desired goal by persuasion using logical reasoning, weighty arguments, serious to solve a specific problem of facts.


In other words, this form of business negotiations can be called a verbal competition. Each side tries to defend its opinion.


A kind of dispute, but softer, as in the discussion of defending the position is based on arguments, evidence, proven facts.

The following types of business negotiations also differ:

Official Protocol, according to the strict procedure;

Informal-a casual conversation that does not end with the signing of the same agreements;

External - with business partners, clients of the company;

Internal-within the organization.


The rules of business conduct in negotiations, if we talk about the cultural aspect, are specific, which is influenced by certain factors. Example-the rules may depend on the norms of behavior of the participants in the negotiation process, due to their national, civil affiliation. Thus, the rules of negotiations among businessmen of Western countries are not always compatible with the" guidelines " adopted in Asian countries. Therefore, if you need to reach an agreement with a foreign partner, the main rule of business negotiations is to take into account the cultural, national and other features of the country of which your partner is a citizen.


Information collection

It is necessary to collect information not only about the partner, his goals, motivation, but also to work out the content of the future conversation. This rule must be observed at the preparatory stage of the negotiation process.

Drawing up a plan of negotiations

This rule simplifies the process of conducting a business conversation, and also allows you to have on hand ways to resolve conflict situations, if any.

Environment control

It is important to choose the right place for business negotiations. The right choice is influenced by the conditions, the duration of the negotiation process, and other factors. Interesting fact! Practice shows that those who organize the meeting achieve greater success in the negotiations.

Restraint in the statements of the opposite party

Do not reject the thoughts, ideas of the opponent as soon as he expressed them. It is recommended to write them down, analyze, and, taking the initiative in their hands, to discuss the views, ideas of the opponent with him.


Business professional ethics of negotiations includes a number of rules that is binding for business people. Their list includes standards of ethics of business culture. The latter is a culture of business, expressed in the method of self-organization, which is aimed at the efficiency of profit from economic activities. The business culture is inextricably linked to the etiquette of business negotiations, the rules of which relate to:

Features of the organization of a business meeting;

The behavior of negotiators;

Choice of clothes and accessories;

Rituals of drinking alcoholic beverages;

Speech, gestures, and more.

To conclude conducting business negotiations is a difficult sphere of activity of businessmen of any level. The organization of the negotiation process has many features, requires compliance with certain rules. It is necessary to be able to competently conduct a business conversation and achieve the goal.

This is undoubtedly quite a specific area of work of business people, which has a lot of weight in their activities and affects the development of business. Therefore, it is necessary to have a large range of knowledge, skills that allow a business person to successfully achieve a favorable agreement for him even in very complex business negotiations.