Автор Анна Евкова
Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Numbers are a part of speech that indicates the number or order of objects

Numbers are a part of speech that indicates the number or order of objects. Designating numbers and numbers, English numerals are also called quantitative adjectives and sentence can act as a definition or as the nominal part of a complex predicate. They are divided into two groups: cardinal numerals and ordinal numerals. Answers the question how many? (how much).

The cardinal numbers answer the question “how many” and indicate the number of objects.

1. One

2. Two

3. Three

4. Four

5. Five

6. Six

7. Seven

8. Eight

9. Nine

10. Ten

In order to form the numbers of the second ten, the suffix - teen is added to the simple numbers, but not to all, with the exception of 11 and 12.

11. Eleven

12. Twelve

13. Thirteen

14. Fourteen

15. Fifteen

16. Sixteen

17. Seventeen

18. Eighteen

19. Nineteen

For tens, the suffix - ty is used.

20. twenty

30. thirty

40. forty

50. fifty

Ordinal numbers answer the question “which one?”, Indicate the order of objects, their serial number. Most ordinal numbers are formed with the ending -th.

1. First

2. Second

3. Third

4. Fourth

5. Fifth

6. Sixth

7. Seventh

8. Eighth

9. Ninth

10. Tenth

An adverb is an independent and independent part of speech, indicating a sign of an action or various circumstances under which an action takes place. An adverb refers to a verb and shows how, where, when, and so on, an action takes place. The main questions of the adverb are: "how?" - "how?", "How?" - "in what way?", "Where?" - "where?", "Why?" - "why?" Adverbs in English can be divided into two categories: form and meaning.

He works hard. (усердно)

I have not met him lately. (последнее)

I left my umbrella somewhere. (где-то)

I was very busy yesterday. (вчера)